#2 Injury

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[I switched it back to the normal characters and the roles of who get hurt.]
*It a summer's day, a younger Celine drew in the sand. Her hair to her shoulders. In the distance a younger Damien and William played. Throwing around a rustic ball. Strained from time, while Damien's mother sat on the sidelines.*

*Mark wasn't there as he was sick. Poor boy, the two dearly missed their friend, but forgot their enjoyment made them forget. Celine didn't want to come but Damien begged her to death. She stayed a fair distance away.*

*William glanced over over at Celine, the younger lad always enjoyed his sister's presence. He was glad she came. Even though she looks bored, he was still happy she was here. Damien held the ball in his hands. He saw William had his eyes on Celine. Damien threw the ball, trying to snap William out his daydream*

*The ball wacked his glasses off. A small yelp from Damien attracted Celine's attention. See one of them impaled on the ground. Celine stood and ran over them, hearing Damien apologize a million times.*

*"What happened?" Celine asked, seeing that a fresh, red bruise formed on William's face. The twin's mother stood after hearing Damien's panic. William started crying. The huge drops of water falling off his face. Yet, getting hit with ball wasn't why. He picked up his glasses off the ground. One of the lenses was broken. He sniffed as a guilt made Damien hung his head low.*

*"Mister and Misses ----- will be angry," he mispronounced his adoptive parents last name, as the two could see he was scared. Damien ran to his mother as Celine stayed to comfort William. The two were approximately the same age. Celine kissed the bruise, their mother would always kiss their bruises, it seemed to work. The tears stopped flowing from his eyes.  Realizing what she did his face went a rosy pink.*

*The little lady smiled, William smiled back as Damien arrived on scene with his mother. She saw the bruise and broken glasses. They decided to leave, Damien pouted,*

*"We didn't go swimming," though after a few minutes on the road, he was out like a lightbulb. Celine sat in the middle of the back seat. William stared out the window but glanced back at Celine now and then.*

Dark slammed the photo on the desk. The memories pained the gray figure. His aura shifting between blue and red. He rested this head on the table. A voice echoed in the back of his head,

"The pain of the past, huh, how funny," the voice rang, Dark ignored it. The pesky creature was a parasite of the mind. It spoke once more,

"Cmon, Celine, ignoring me won't do anything but make me mad," the threat made him groaned, soon replying the the voice,

"Shut up," knowing it wouldn't they suffered, the entity gave a chaotic laugh. If wasn't their laugh, it was their jumbled pitch voice that would annoy them. The aura shined bright red with small flashes of blue. Dark sat back up, and cracked his neck. If it wasn't that *thing*, it was definitely the inner turmoil. Damien was a bout to Celine's storm. The entity was sea.

Either it was her or it. Damien was more of a passenger. Nothing more than a spectator to a bigger scheme. Though he was more in control of the vessel. Dark picked up his pen. He needed to finish signing multiple papers.

"I miss those days," the thought strung, Dark started writing. Tapping the pen against the desk when thoughts got too hectic. Damien was mostly in charge of the body. Though Celine would take control at times. Dealing with every ego was stressful. Even the entity was somewhat stressed by them. Dark slide one piece of paper to the right.

Noting that it was almost twelve. Dark had the act of overworking himself. With Dark mind Damien was alone. It wasn't peaceful. In the reality time moved faster but in there, it felt like hours compared to a few minutes out there. The silent got irritating, Damien often turned to the entity for conversation. Even the echo of Celine and the Entity he missed even if it was temporary. Celine must've been in control as Damien noticed he wasn't doing much.

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