#3 Random writing-

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[Context, this isn't based on a prompt. Rather this is something I wrote awhile back. I didn't finish it but I wanted to share it. Cause the next oneshots are taking a bit longer than expected along with the other thing I'm working on.]

Bim had lost track of time. They wondered through a dark forest, thankfully with flashlights. Bim had been paired up with Silver. Definitely one of the quietest egos. Honestly why he have been paired with Ed, or Jim, even KOTS could carry a conversation. Yet, Dark said he needed supervision. Bim felt conflicted, did Dark, the Dark, make a pun? Though that wasn't the tip of the iceberg. Silver was so closeted. You never saw him with his mask, or running away searching for Dr. Iplier. Quickly shutting the thoughts out his head. Silver looked down at Bim, the height was all too noticeable. The awkward silence had been getting to both of them. The crunch of the dead leaves, the occasional hoot from an owl, or even the song of crickets were getting annoying.
Silver let out a breath,

"Bim," he said, hopefully starting a conversation. Bim jumped a bit startled by the hero's own voice. He stared up at Silver, one eyebrow cocked. It was a guessing game to his emotions. That was the tricky part to talking to him as well. Bim couldn't help but make a comment,

"Finally you talk," to be honest Bim was a little surprised that Silver even knew his name, Silver didn't reply to his comment. Was his tone too harsh? Bim couldn't believe he the capacity to annoy his own very being. Now if they were back in silence it probably be most of his fault. He felt a little empowered knowing Silver might be scared of him. Such a buff, and cocky at times, hero, afraid of the small, frail cannibal. Bim heard a small cough as Silver tried to talk again,

"S..Sorry, I h..haven't been talking," Bim rolled his eyes at the apology, Bim had a few types he didn't like, people who apologized all the time. He couldn't stand them. It's not even your fault, why are you saying sorry. Sure, Bim could've started a conversation but why did he have to start everyone of them. Silver continued without another comment from Bim,

"Um.. how are you?" Seriously, that's your best conversation starter, Bim sighed,

"Well, we've walked around this forest for probably two damn hours, I've had to deal with this awkward silence, and my legs ache, and why did Dark have to choose one of the hottest nights for this," Bim complained, he probably sounded like a brat, though he thoroughly didn't care. Silver looked like was about to ask something but he stayed soundless for about a minute,

"I think it's an okay night," he said with little to no confidence in his voice, Silver rubbed his arm. He was nervous and tension rose throughout his body. The hero wanted to be optimistic in this case, though he agreed with Bim, his legs did as well ache and the awkward silence was something that got to Silver too. He redacted his previous question to give a mundane response instead. Bim yawned, getting bored and tired and multiple other things,

"How's the family?" Silver questioned, the only question that he thought that wouldn't be too bad, oh how wrong was he. Bim said,

"Their dead," nonchalantly, not looking at him as he answered. Silver kept looking at him. Seeing that Bim walked faster, keeping a blank expression. Silver told him,

"I'm so sorry," Bim quickly spun around. His blank expression turning, both eyebrows were cocked. Silver was frozen in place as Bim snapped,

"Why are you sorry!" His voice escalating from a blunt to a harsher tone in only a second. Silver felt terrible has his breathes became sharper,

"They weren't your family! Did you have to watch you family get killed? Did everyone treat you like a monster for years upon years!" Bim took a breath, closing his eyes for bit before hearing Silver's voice again,

"Yes," a simple yes before, he fell to his knees on the ground. Violently shaking as tears stained his mask. Bim had his fists clutched. Then relaxing them, he kneeled down to the ground with Silver. Bim lifted Silver's face up,

"I wa..was treated like an mon..monster for years.. I.. I am a m-" Bim shushed him, he couldn't bare to him to see him like that. Placing a finger over his mouth. Silver took his hand. They looked at each other, Bim knew he was sensitive. Without warning Silver wrapped his arms around Bim. This was unexpected. Of course Bim shouldn't have snapped. Everyone he associated with had toucher skin.

Though Dark never seem to yell at anyone, he probably knows about it. Dr. Iplier as his doctor and only doctor would likely know as well. Is this the reason he was do closeted? Bim had thoughts run through his head like a school of fish swimming through the currents. Bim didn't focus on his pants getting dirty. Or that their flashlights might be running out of power.
Silver mutter something under his breath. Bim heard it,

"What?" He said in a much calmer tone, Silver looked up. Silver sat up as he removed his mask. Bim was shocked by the sudden action, as he did a load of white hair fell. Covering a majority of Silver's face. Bim didn't expect so much hair, he wonder he breathed with so well, guess he breathed with his mouth really.

There was a smile on his face for a moment before it faded. His hair covered his eyes and some of his noise. Bim noticed the outline of a burn mark. Was this a sign of trust? Was it this easy gain his trust? Is that why he barely talked to anyone? Did he realize how easy it was, or was he fearful that he'd be judged for it? Silver's mouth curved downwards and he panicked,

"This was stupid, I'm sorry," he was about to put his mask back on, he stopped as Bim's hand was placed on top of it. Silver face shifted into surprise,

"I think your white hair is cute, it fits your whole aesthetic," Bim gave him a small smile, as he kept looking at his face the more he noticed. His white facial hair, if you squinted hard enough, you see his eye, a light teal fading into blue. Silver bit his lip as lowered the mask. Bim sensed his anxiousness,

"You don't look like anyone I know, so you don't have to worry about me revealing your identity," Bim reassured the bigger man, yet that didn't ease him. He explained,

"It's not that... well half it is but.. my past wasn't isn't what you expect," Silver pulled back some of his hair, revealing the second eye. Burn marks covered it, the eye itself was gray with a white iris, the pupil was more slit, almost like snake eye. The burnt skin was grayer. Was this the reason why he never took off his mask? Bim asked,

"Who did this to you," not realizing it could've been a sensitive topic, Silver's face was flushed,

"My fault," Bim thought he would've said it was a past fight with a villain, or he was rescuing someone a burning fire, but not himself. Silver hung his head in shame. Bim had never seen him this distraught. 

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