Chapter 3 - Oh Boy

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-No POV-
The winged hero began making his way to the meetup area, where someone was supposed to pick him up and take him to the hideout. He checked the time as he waited at the spot.
The second it hit 11:30 a purple mist appeared and covered around Hawks. The Scarlet winged man was a bit shocked at was happening but he fell through the portal before he can say or do anything about it.
Hawks landed on his feet inside the hideout, with all of the league villains around him.
Toga was talking to Dabi, probably about her "crush."
Shigaraki and the others not counting toga and Dabi looked at hawks the second he fell in. Hawks gives a awkward wave to the group not really knowing what to do.
The Blue haired Villain approaches the Hero.
"So... Hawks" The villain spoke slowly, "Let's cut to the chase... why do you want to quit being a Hero and join the League...?"
If Hawks can remember correct, he was told that his excuse was;
"I truly dislike Hero's. After seeing that almost all of them are only in for the Fame and money, it sickened me. I want to put an end to this whole 'Hero' name, and I'll start, by killing the Hero of Peace. All Might", and that's what he told him. Hawks was relieved that he didn't stutter or mess up any words.
Shigaraki looks at the league, then back at the Winged man. "I don't fully trust you, so we will be having Dabi, shadow every movement and choice you make... Come back tomorrow at 7am Sharp. Your excused." Shigaraki and all of the other Villains but Dabi leave. The flame Villain gives the Hero an annoyed look.
Hawks just shrugged it off and leaves the hideout, flying up and out to his house. After about 10 minutes of flying, he gets to his house. He lands at the front door and walks inside.
-Hawks' POV-
//same time//
I shut the door and flop right onto the couch, face first.
"Finally. Some time to my self..." I mutter, ignoring the fact it was slightly muffled due to the couch.
"Yeah? Wanna think again Bird Brain?"
Who in the Crispy Kentucky Fried fuck?-
I sit up, quickly grabbing one of my big feathers, making it like a sword.
I face where the voice came from aiming my feather at them.
"Woah woah woah. Calm down pretty boy it's just me"
"Dabi..? How the hell did you get in here?!"
"Don't you remember. I gotta shadow you to make sure your not playing a tick on us" I start putting my feather down, making it lose its shape, and drop it as it floats down to the floor.
"Whatever. I'm not doing anything besides joining you. You can leave now. Bye." I get up and start walking to my room. I hear the front door shut and sigh with relief.
I grab the picture sitting on my night stand, as I sit on my bed. It's a photo of my childhood friend, Touya. In case you didn't know already, he went missing a few years back, I never saw him since.
"Who's that?" Dammit Dabi I thought you left!
"J-just a childhood friend of mine that I haven't seen in years... this was the last photo I got of him before he went missing a couple days later...
His absence never made its way into the news, never had a search formed... nothing. It's just as if he disappeared from everything and everyone..."
I looked over at Dabi, who still has his expressionless look. But he seems to be focusing on my friend... I look back at the photo then back at Dabi. Wait.. Those blue eyes... Don't tell me he's....
-Dabi's POV-
Shit shit shit shit. He's going to notice. Time to blast!
I stand and look away from Hawks, who seemed like he was trying to figure something out.
"Welp little Birdie. Time for me to go. Good luck on finding ur Friend!" I run out of the house and back to the hide out

A/N: Woo. How was ThAt! For a chapter? Not good...? Well. Srry 2 disappoint.
Well Guys, Gals, and Non-binary pals. Cya in the next one!

Word count: 778 Words

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