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My life is a mess now, my parents died in a carcrash a few days ago... I stay over by my aunt but i can't stay here forever. The day of the funeral was the worst day of my life. I miss them so much and i can't stop crying... a part of me died when they did. I didn't smile this few days, the only thing I did was crying and listening to music. I readed a few sentences at the funeral but I couldn't handle it anymore so I had to stop reading because people didn't understand what i was saying. I got so much support from my parents' friends but yeah... apparently i'm getting adopted and I don't know by who. I'm excited and sad at the same time: sad because I will leave everything here and still miss my parents, excited because I can start a new life. I will move to L.A. tomorrow... and I wonder how it will be. I'm adopted by a guy called Austin Carlile... I heard that name before but I don't know where. While I was on the plane i was blasting pierce the veil. God I love them so much! They helped me through a lot. I was bullied in school (a lot), got beaten up, people called me out for disgusting things and i had only a few friends. Well atleast I'm going to a new school with a fresh start.

The airport.
I landed and i got really nervous... how would he react when he sees me? What does he looks like? My aunt came with on the plane because i wasn't permissed to go alone. She refuses to tell me what he looks like! We were at a restaurant waiting for him: I started to stress so much. Suddenly I saw a guy coming into our direction: he was really tall and was covered in tattoos... I recognised him... he was the leadsinger for Of mice and men. But why would he adopt a child like me? I mean there is nothing special about me...

Adopted by a celebrity [austin carlile fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now