Chapter 6

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Wolf Moon

Ahmose Inarus

Disclaimer:  I do not own Criminal Minds, nor do I make any profit off of writing this.

SLASH WARNING!!!  Hotch / Reid

Written for the Chit Chat on Author’s Corner Halloween Horrors Challenge.  The moderators supplied a number of titles of the novels of the Master of Horror himself, Stephen King.  We were to pick any title and write a fic using that as the prompt.  I chose, “Cycle of the Werewolf”.

I don't own this.

Chapter 6

For many across the nation, Sunday was a day of rest.  And so it was for two werewolves by the names of Aaron Hotchner and Spencer Reid.  But not because some religion proclaimed it so…  it was because poor Reid, who had NEVER spend a day out running in the woods before in his LIFE, was so sore that he could hardly get out of bed!!!

Hotch had been woken that morning by a painful groan of “Oh my God…”  In the hall, followed by the sound of a very odd, heavy gait.  Standing from his bed, Hotch emerged into the hall to see Spencer Reid hobbling towards the bathroom, pain obvious in his every move.

“You okay?”  He asked, grinning.

“…  Ow.”

“Need some help?”

“…  I’ll be okay.  At least I only have to pee.   I don’t think I’d be able to sit down and then get back up again…”  Reid whimpered, and Hotch laughed.

“Come out of the living room when you’re done.”  He said.  “I’ll make breakfast.”  And he gave Reid a careful pat on the back, and then trotted off to make something for the two of them to eat.  Reid stumbled into the bathroom, wincing and cringing with every step, and whimpered when he had to lean over to lift up the toilet lid.

“Ahhhh…”  He sighed in relief, then squeaked and jumped at the laugh outside of the bathroom.  “DAMMIT HOTCH!!!  You made me MISS!!!”

“I did NOT need to know that!”  Hotch cried between laughs.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”


“I wanted to know if you wanted bacon or sausage!”

“Since you made me miss, I want steak!”

“…  seriously?”

“Yes.”  Reid snapped.  “I am NOT cleaning this up either!  I HURT!!!”

“Don’t worry about it Spencer, I’m sorry…”

“Well…  I don’t want YOU to clean it up EITHER!!!”  Reid shrieked, now bright red in horror at the thought of Hotch cleaning up his…  mess.

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