Chapter 4

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Wolf Moon

Ahmose Inarus

Disclaimer:  I do not own Criminal Minds, nor do I make any profit off of writing this.

SLASH WARNING!!!  Hotch / Reid

Written for the Chit Chat on Author’s Corner Halloween Horrors Challenge.  The moderators supplied a number of titles of the novels of the Master of Horror himself, Stephen King.  We were to pick any title and write a fic using that as the prompt.  I chose, “Cycle of the Werewolf”.

I don't own this.

Chapter 4

The scent of bacon was what woke Reid in the morning.  His head emerged from the blankets, nostrils quivering as he savored the scent.  And then groggy eyes opened.  Finally, he slowly sat up, rubbing sleep crusted eyes and yawning before stumbling to his feet and across the hall and to the bathroom.  And then he fumbled for his glasses, scratched his messy bed-head, and shuffled into the kitchen.  And then he blinked. 

Hotch was standing at the stove, frying up some bacon and sausage in one pan, and scrambling eggs in the other with some chopped onion, bell pepper and mushrooms.  He was in a pair of pajama pants that hung low on his hips, and hanging over the hem in the back…  was a long, bushy black tail.  Reid blinked, wondering why Hotch was wearing his tail.

Then the man leaned over and checked in the oven, for what Reid wasn’t sure, but suddenly he started eyeing the man’s body just PAST his tail.  Then the microwave went off.  Hotch moved across the room and popped it open, reaching in for the contents.  Then he paused.  His nostrils flared as he sniffed.  And then he turned and looked up at Reid.

“Good morning.”  He said with a smile, taking a packet of…  something, out of the microwave.  “Breakfast isn’t quite ready.  I figured I would put on the coffee about five minutes before I wanted you out here.”

“…  And I thought you said to sleep myself out.”  Reid shot back with a teasing smile.  Hotch grinned.  “And normally, you would be right in assuming that is the best way to wake me…  but…  the bacon just…  smells so GOOD.”

“The coffee awakens the instincts of Spencer.”  Hotch chuckled.  “The bacon awakens the instincts of the wolf.”

“Makes sense, I guess.”  Reid said, smiling and stepping into the kitchen.  “Can I help?”

“Bring me some plates from that cabinet there, and start the coffee?”  Hotch asked, and Reid nodded, moving to do so.  Hotch pulled a couple of fresh biscuits from the oven and sliced them in half, setting them on the plates.  Then he opened the pouch from the microwave and poured thick country gravy over them.  Then he spooned a blob of eggs onto each plate, and then began scooping up the bacon and sausage.  The bacon and sausage took up a good half of the plate.

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