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Sorry for not updating for a while but here is the next chapter...

"Give me two days to decide. This is a lot to take in." I finally spoke.

Aizen nodded in understanding. "Of course. I will have Ulquiorra go with you. After all," Aizen grew a mischievous glint in his eyes, "You seem to like him and as a bonus, you don't know how to make a garganta yet." I blushed faintly.

"Thank you." I said.

Gin waved his hands in front of him in a hold up manner. "I want to go to!" He whined. I sweat dropped. Does he really have to act like a child?

"No." Aizen said.

"But Aizen~" Gin whined.


"Why not~?" Gin pouted.

"Because I said no." Aizen sighed. "ULQUIORRA!" Aizen yelled afterwards.

"Yes my lord?" (familiar, anyone?) Ulquiorra stepped into the large room.

Aizen smirked knowing Ulquiorra won't like this. "You are to accompany Ichigo home. You will stay there for two days until he reaches a decision and when he does, you will report back to me."

Ulquiorra visibly tensed at the thought of going back to Karakura town. "Yes sir." Ulquiorra left the room and I assumed he was going to get ready for our...sleepover... Once again my eyes followed him out of the room. I stared at the door waiting for him to come back and contemplating on my decision.

'It wouldn't be that bad to stay here, would it?' Hichigo asked. I had to agree. It was nice here and everyone didn't mind me being here. I wouldn't mind staying.

'In any event, you still have two days to make a choice. Try to give everyone a chance and see how they will treat you. I know you want to stay with Ulquiorra though. I hope whatever choice you make will make you happy.' Zangetsu said standing with his flowing black shikai around him. I agreed with both of them and flinched slightly when I felt a slight touch on my shoulder.

"Let's go Kurosaki." Ulquiorra said in monotonous tone as he waved a hand in the air and a garganta opened up. I stepped through and looked at were we had landed. Coincidentally we landed in my livingroom. I ran my hand through my hair when I seen Isshin on the couch. His eyes narrowed dangerously at the Arrancar behind me.

"Ichigo... Who is this?" Isshin asked eyeing my hollow mask as well.

"This is Ulquiorra Schiffer. He is my guest here." I responded heading to the stairs as the Fourth Espada followed me.

"He is not staying here. He is an enemy of us Shinigami's!" Isshin stood up in anger.

I slowly turned around. "I am no longer a Shinigami! You shinigami's are worse than trash! You all abandoned me after all I did for Soul Society! You cast me aside and took my powers! Well guess what? I don't have to listen to you trash anymore!" I growled. Hichigo's voice slipped in. He was angry to. "As far as you people are concerned, I am an enemy of Soul Society! I am a Quincy! I am also a hollow! They threatened to put me down like a dog if they seen me again! So Ulquiorra is staying!" Turning around, I made my way to my room, leaving a shocked Isshin behind. Fuming, I slammed the door shut behind me after I let Ulquiorra in and flopped onto the bed. I closed my eyes for a moment. Already I was missing Hueco Mundo.

"Where will I sleep?" Ulquiorra asked softly, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

I crack an eye open at him and smiled softly. "You can have the bed if you want."

"Then we're will you sleep?" Ulquiorra sat next to me on the bed.

I pat his arm and he flinched a little. "I am not sure I will be able to sleep. I have a lot on my mind at the moment."

"I don't mind sharing the bed." Ulquiorra said, before he paused and blushed a little after realizing how that sounded. "It's big enough for you and me." He said quickly. I laugh and scooted over as he sat on the bed too.

"I know what you mean. Get some sleep. We have a long day at school tomorrow." I laid down against the wall, literally pressed against it. Ulquiorra took the side closest to the door. Taking a quick peek at the clock I discovered that it was 10:53 in the evening so I just slid under my quilts and fell asleep.

Timeskip brought to you by Slade!

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Kill it with fire..." Ulquiorra groaned and tightened his arms around me. Wait... Hold up... I opened my eyes and he was snuggled against my chest with his arms around me.

"It's time for school. You need to get up. Let go of me while you are at it." I huff a laugh as his arms tightened around me again before letting go. Ulquiorra got up and sat on the desk and averted his gaze while I changed. My hollow mask still covering my right jawbone and left eye. The horn was in the way but there is nothing I can do about it at the moment. I grabbed Ulquiorra and we flash stepped to the school. Orihime looked horrified at me and Ulquiorra and walked away quickly so she didn't have to talk to me, Uryu just glared at me. Don't know why because I am technically a Quincy too. Oh wait... I lied. I am also a Vasto Lorde. He hates me because I am a hollow. So rude. Chad's reiatsu flared when he seen my bones and Ulquiorra's also flare a little. Chad froze from it. I put a hand on Ulquiorra's shoulder and guided him to a seat beside me.

Timeskip to after school because school is irritating enough as it is...

'I think I know what my decision is Hichigo, Zangetsu.' I walked home silently, with my head down.

'About time! What is it?' Hichigo asked, plopping on the edge of a building.

'It's obvious that he wants to go to Hueco Mundo. We're you not paying attention to how he was treated earlier?' Zangetsu rolled his eyes.

'I was! But how am I supposed to know what he wants?' Hichigo whined.

"Come on, Ulquiorra. Let's to home." Ulquiorra rolled his eyes and started to walk to Isshin's house but I grabbed his arm and stopped him. "That is not my home." I took a deep breath and released his arm. "Let's go to Hueco Mundo. I have made my choice."

A ghost of a smile appeared on his pale face. "Of course." He waved his hand and a dark garganta opened up. Walking through we were deposited into the throne room and Aizen was staring off into space.

"Aizen." I said cooly.

"What Ichigo? Back so soon?" Aizen smirked playfully at me.

"I have decided I will be an Espada. But I want to be ruled by myself. I will not follow anyone's orders and I want to lead the Espada." I said, taking a step in his direction. This is a little weird but it is fine.

"Ah... That's fine. You will have your own palace built and you will be the Espada of Suffering." Aizen tapped his finger against his chin in a contemplating manner.

Gin clapped his hands together eagerly. "However for now, while your palace is being built, you will stay with Ulquiorra and he will show you around the place." Gin smiled his creepy smile and I had to suppress the urge to shudder. I don't know if he is trying to be creepy or if he is naturally creepy. I don't know which of those two would be worse. Ulquiorra bowed respectfully to Aizen and grabbed my upper arm and dragged me down the hall and out of Los Noches and to his own palace.

It was awesome looking, to say the least. A huge white building on the outside but on the inside was a nice glass floor that looked like Bifrost when the light hits it just right. The bed was three times bigger than mine and was also white. The ceiling was glass too so the moonlight shone through. "Wow..." I whisper.

"Get some sleep Kurosaki." Ulquiorra crawled onto the bed and rolled over. I went to the other side and crawled in as well. I hummed a little as I slid closer to the edge of the bed before my eyes drifted closed and I fell asleep.

Merry Christmas to you!

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