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"So why exactly can't I see Ichigo for a week or so?" Uryu asked confused.

The taller, more relaxed, espada stopped and stared at him before huffing in exasperation. "Figures that you know nothing about hollows." Coyote rubbed his hand over the left sided his face before explaining. "Ichigo is in heat."

Uryu blinked stupidly. He did not understand. Wasn't heats supposed to be a cat thing or a dog thing? Are the hollows part animal? It would explain why they ate each other in order to rank up... "Heat... Like cats?"

Coyote decided to humor him. "Yes. Like cats. It is his first heat and his mate will most likely rip your face off for stepping close to him. Though Ichigo wasn't very happy at the moment." The First espada chuckled.

Uryu shook his head, not sure if he should even try to guess at what the arrancar was hinting at. Grimmjow barreled into the tall male before hiding behind him. "Help me before Batman kills me!" The blue haired, usually sarcastic and battle hungry espada whined.

"What did you do now?" Coyote asked.

Grimmjow rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I...uh... May or may not have pulled out a few feathers." He waved his hands quickly in front of his face. "I swear it was an accident!"

Uryu spoke up since they both ignored him. "Who is this Batman you two are speaking about?"

Grimmjow slowly turned to look at him before a wide grin appeared on his face. "Ah! An enemy! Let me kill him!" He went to take a step forward, hand on the hilt of his half drawn sword before Coyote stopped him.

"Stop it Grimmjow. This one wishes to speak to Ichigo. I am keeping him for a week until his heat stops so that Ulquiorra doesn't kill him. "

Grimmjow pouted. "Fine." He ran a hand though his blue hair, want there an espada with pink hair? Uryu shook off the thought and looked at Grimmjow expectantly. "Batman is Ulquiorra's nickname because in a way, he looks like a bat. Though I still need a nickname for Ichigo. He keeps calling me Grimm Kitty." He muttered.

Uryu sweatdropped. It was obvious the espada were fond of Ichigo. "Ummm...okay? I'll follow you guys then."

A distant scream sounded and Coyote looked in the direction it came from. "Sounds like one of the others got a hold of one of the shinigami trespassers."

Uryu shuddered a little. "How is Toshiro Hitsugya? I am sure he came here to warn you guys." He asked curiously, pushing his glasses up as they slid down his nose.

"Nerd." Grimmjow snickered and Coyote punched him out of the Palace, causing a massive hole to appear in the roof.

"Toshiro is most likely with Nel. She offered to take him in." Coyote sighed.

Uryu nodded, a small smile appearing as he remembered the child like green haired espada. She was a little bit weird but in an adorable way.

In another part of the Palace, Gin, Aizen, and Touzen (spelling?) we're all watching the interaction between the first espada and the Quincy. "Doesn't Coyote Stark usually have a good sense of character?" Gin asked.

"Indeed he does. That Quincy is a weird one. I wonder why he doesn't believe in the shinigami." Aizen wondered out loud.

"Either way, Ulquiorra will probably kill him." Touzen muttered.

Aizen rolled his eyes. "Yes but I am sure that Ichigo will want to hear him out. He wouldn't be to happy if Ulquiorra killed him and I am sure Ulquiorra doesn't want to anger him. I don't want to have to rebuild a part of my Palace again. Ichigo when gets angry, he gets destructive."

"It was a good show though, watching him take on two of the espada and ultimately winning." Gin smiled wider.

"And he didn't even use his wings or other espada form. He is truly a mystery." Aizen smiled. He was glad that the Shiniquinollow took his offer. What the Shinigami did to the substitute was ridiculous and part of the reason that Aizen had left and now seeks to destroy them.

"Well look at this. An espada has caught a shinigami." Gin smirked before turning all of his attention to the interaction as a scream sounded.

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