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Austin, Texas. Population: 800,000, located in Travis County. Compared to the current home I live in; Addington, Oklahoma, it's a big change. It's definitely not changing hair color from brown to red or switching nail polish every two weeks. I was used to change though, it was just a bigger change than I was accustomed to.

Two and a half weeks after the accident back in Colorado, a social worker decided I would be best off to live with my Aunt Lou and her husband back in Wisconsin. I lived with them until I was five, when I called the cops on my Aunt and her husband. That was the last real family I had left, the last of my parents, and the last I saw of my Aunt and Uncle, and that horrid house.

At seven years old, I returned to the God awful foster home. No one wanted me.


The other kids had come and gone within 6 months.


But,-"Bella! Lets go! Our flight leaves in an hour! We need to hurry before it leaves!" shouted Lexi, the social worker interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back.

We were in the middle of moving the last of my things to the U-Haul, while Lexi grabbed both our suit cases. Two large men clad in white polos with their signature stamp on the right shoulder, approached me with a clipboard in hand, extending his arm gesturing I take it and sign the paper.

"Alright, thanks!" I said as I finished signing the document in hand, they took the clipboard out of my grasp and turned to leave, obviously not pleased with their current occupation, by the look plastered on their faces.

Lexi was walking out of the house that I'd soon no longer live in, carrying a box that looked too heavy for her. I lent her a hand and took it out of her grasp.

Lifting the box I took from Lexi's hand and carrying it to the truck, I dropped it in and headed towards the front of the car fearing that Lexi might burst into a panic attack if we were ever late for our flight.


"I'm going blind from this sweet, sweet craving, whoa

Let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy

Ah ya ya ya ya I keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean," Lexi sang, belting the lyrics of a random title on the radio.


"Are you excited Bell?" Lexi said while parking.

I hadn't noticed we arrived to the airport already. I was too distracted from my thoughts to even recognize where we were.

I sighed feeling like the weight of the world was on my measly shoulders, "I'm ready for a new start Lex."

Since I wasn't very fond on flying to a totally different city, meeting new people, a new house, and new memories. I wasn't in a mood for small talk, but Lex knew I didn't mean anything of it. It was all so overwhelming to be honest.


I shut the door as I got out, Lexi already taking our suit cases out of the trunk and heading to the terminal. I let out a deep breath, looking at the glass doors that would change my life, in a sense.

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