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The light of the next morning poked through the bedroom window, being slightly faded by the curtains. I blinked my eyes open and saw that I was in bed alone. The memories of last night immediately hit me and I smiled to myself in disbelief. I couldn't believe this was my life that I was experiencing. Although, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Everything happened rather quickly, so maybe Kyungsoo regretted it. 

Or worse, maybe I was just setting myself up to nothing more than a rebound.

Still, life would have to go on, so I got dressed, remembering that I had to work today, before going out into the kitchen. Surprisingly enough, Kyungsoo wasn't in there cooking like I expected him to be. I was starting to wonder where he was, but that curiosity soon went away when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a head lay on my back. 

"Good morning," he said softly, making me smile.

"Hey there," I said, slightly turning my head to look at him as I laid my arms on top of his. "I thought you left for a second." I shifted around to face him as he detached himself from me, looking up at me with those big eyes.

"No, I just went to the bathroom and you were already up," he said, a gentle smile on his face. "Besides, why would I run away from my own apartment? I pay half the rent here, too." I smiled and laughed too, leaning to capture his heart-shaped lips in a passionate kiss.

"You have to work today?" I asked after we pulled apart. He just nodded his head, letting out a light sigh.

"You?" he replied.

"Yeah, unfortunately," I answered. He just nodded, a dimly lit smile spread across his expression. "Hey, now that we are officially a thing, hopefully, are you sure the whole sex work thing won't bother you?"

"Not any more than it did before, though, I suppose it will feel kind of weird knowing my boyfriend is giving blowjobs to other guys," he said, causing me to let out a little laugh. He smiled and took my hands in his. "I don't know why or how you came to be a sex worker, but it doesn't matter to me if that's what you want to do. I mean, I don't necessarily like the idea of people using you, but as long as none of them hurt you in any way, I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't know if I'd be good at anything else, but I can try to be," I said again, removing some of the hair away from his eyes. He nodded again, his eyes sparkling as he did so. "Okay," I said, letting out a loud sigh. "Well, we better get going so neither of us is late." 

"Okay," he said. He pecked my lips with one last kiss and then we continued getting ready.


Was I kind of lying when I said I was okay with the whole sex work thing? Maybe, but I didn't think it would be fair of me to ask him to quit when I still worked for my ex's pregnant wife. Besides, I figured that as long as I knew he would come home to me at the end of the day, it wouldn't bother me that much.

I agreed to drop him off at work before I went to work myself. We pulled up to the building and I temporarily put the car in park.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you later on," he said as he took his seat belt off.

"Yeah, I'll be back after I get out of work," I said.

"Okay," he said. He wrapped his hand around the door handle to open the door but then paused. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" he asked after looking at me again.

I laughed. "Jongin, yes. I'm fine," I said. He just gave me one of those I-don't-believe-you looks and I chuckled again. "I mean it. I'll be fine." He sighed and nodded in defeat. "Now go. I'll be right here when you're done." He smiled and leaned over, kissing me sweetly on the lips.

"Bye," he said, his voice slightly softer than it usually was.

"Bye," I said, a smile occupying almost my whole face. He ran his hand across my cheek quickly and then exited the car. I smiled as he waved to me from outside. I waved back and waited for him to get inside to pull away.

I couldn't explain the feeling he gave me. It was like every time he hugged or kissed me, he surrounded me with this protective bubble of love. It was odd to experience because I didn't know what to do with these new feelings. Maybe it was because I had never felt this safe and loved with Ryeowook. All I knew was that I was prepared to do whatever I had to make sure these feelings stayed.


I arrived at work about 20 minutes later, feeling slightly less nervous to see her. Everyone in the office was gushing over her by that point, so I tried to get lost in the crowd as much as possible whenever I went into the office. I was already seriously considering finding a different job and I didn't need her to find out about Ryeowook and me before I could do that or at least get to a point where I was no longer uncomfortable.

I quietly headed over to my desk, greeting a few co-workers on the way there. Once I had everything I needed out, I started to log on to my computer. That was when my boss walked over to me.

"Good morning," I said, standing up briefly and bowing at her. 

"Good morning, Kyungsoo," Seoyoung replied. "I just wanted to let you know that I took a look at that one manuscript you mentioned during our meeting last week. I have to say, I totally agree with all of your comments on its potential."

"You do?" I asked, feeling slightly astounded. It was the first time anything I had edited was being seriously considered.

"Sure. It seems like there's a lot of work to be done with it, but I think it'd be a worthwhile story. I was also thinking you could be the main editor working with the author if that would interest you. I can place another editor on the job to help, but based on your notes, I think you'd be the perfect fit."

I was even more shocked now. "R-Really? I mean, y-yeah, I'd love that. Thank you," I said. She just flashed me a small smile before walking away, leaving a feeling of excitement bubbling in my stomach. I tried to contain my smile as I carried on with work throughout the day, but that proved to be very difficult for me. 

The only thing I could think about was how excited I was to go home and tell Jongin.

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