Don't give others this look

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Mature content ahead! 18+ ONLY! (YA'LL KNOW HOW I ROLL) LET'S GO!

Type looked down at Tharn. Tharn's eyes were heavy lidded as they looked up at him. All his love sparkling up at him with his sexy hair falling over his forehead like a lover's caress. Type's gaze traveled down to Tharn's luscious red lips. His pouty bottom lip paired with his sexy expression was more than Type could bear. 

He forgot Techno on the couch and forgot the whole world as he stared down at his boyfriend. Type quickly straddled Tharn. Tharn looked up at him in surprise.

"Type..." Tharn started to say with his hand on Type's shoulder to stop him. Unlike Type, he was very aware of Techno on the couch. 

Type roughly slammed Tharn's hand on the bed. Type looked at Tharn's lips and his mouth watered. He pulled the covers over their bodies and leaned down to kiss his boyfriend. 

Type's body ground down on Tharn's cock as their lips devoured each other. Apparently he ground down too hard because he heard Tharn complaining.

"Type, you want to do it right now?...Type, it hurts!" Type lifted his head from where he was sucking on his boyfriend's neck. "Shut up and be still." He didn't wait for Tharn's response and continued what he was doing. 

Tharn laced his fingers with Type and held on as Type's lips sucked on his neck. His lips traveling down his neck, over his jaw, while his hands held Tharn down for his pleasure. 

Tharn began to grind up against Type's ass. He chased his boyfriend's lips until he was able to bite down on his bottom lip. His tongue quickly came out to soothe the bite. Type's tongue came out to duel with his and Type let out a slow moan. Tharn felt him start to get desperate.

Soon his ears would be filled with Type's sweet curses, letting him know he was desperate to be fucked. 

"Tharn..." Type moaned against Tharn's lips. Tharn sat up and pulled off Type's shirt. Before he could get distracted with Type's brown nipples, Type quickly pulled off his shirt and threw it on the floor. 

Type went immediately to his pants and unbuttoned them. Tharn lifted his butt off the bed and helped Type get rid of his pants and underwear. Type threw them behind him without a care and leaned in to kiss down Tharn's chest. His lips traveled quickly down to his erect cock. The pink mushroomed head was wet with pre-cum and Type licked at it. 

Tharn's body arched as he tried to get Type's lips around his cock. His hands reached down to take off Type's pants. Soon they were off and Type's lips were wrapped around his cock tight. 

Tharn moaned low. "Type...I'm going to...Type!" Tharn whispered harshly. Type looked up at Tharn with a harsh expression. He slowly let his cock slip out of his mouth.

"Shut up or I'll..." Type didn't have a chance to finish when Tharn roughly pulled his body over his. He pulled the blankets over their legs. Tharn grabbed Type's legs from behind his knees and pulled them towards him beside his waist. This spread Type's legs wide for easy access to his hole. 

Type didn't waste any time when Tharn was in this mood and he licked two fingers and reached behind him all while gazing down at Tharn. Tharn's eyes were heavy lidded with desire. With the smirk that Type loved. The one he had when he played the drums. His euphoric expression should only be for him. 

Type inserted his wet fingers in his hole. He moaned low and Tharn could tell exactly when his fingers went in deep because Type's normal expression melted into pleasure. 

Type worked his fingers in and out with one hand and with the other held tight onto Tharn's cock. 

Tharn groaned with the pleasure pain. " hurts...not so hard." Tharn threw his head back, his smirk still in place. 

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