Episode 4: Have sex with me

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18+ ONLY! Read at your own risk!

Note: Please feel free to read the translation of this sex scene from the original book by going to The Queenmother Hateu's Facebook group. Below is my take on it and how I chose to write it. 

"Are you ready?" Tharn asked quietly. He tried to calm himself down. His heart was racing and he had the erection from hell just seeing Type sitting there in only a shirt and his boxers. 

Type gulped as he looked sideways at Tharn. His leg shook up and down with the nerves even as he tried to stay calm. "Quit stalling," he said gruffly.  "I've been waiting all day."

Tharn gave a small smile. It was both annoying and funny that Type thought Tharn would just spread his legs and fuck him without any preparation or foreplay as if he was some gigolo he had hired from the side of the street.

 His eyes gentled as he looked at Type's lips as if hypnotized. "This is more than just getting right into it. These things require patience."

Type frowned. Already he saw the thirty minutes he had allotted to the activity being stretched indefinitely. "How is this any different than with girls? You just put it in and do it." 

Tharn inwardly laughed. Part of him was sad that this was what Type thought making love was. Part of him thought it was fate for Type to be with him if this was how he had been treating his ex-lovers. No wonder he was fucking single, Tharn thought. You're welcome, ladies everywhere. 

"Type, let me teach you," The time for talking was over. Actions speak louder than words. 

Tharn slowly pressed Type's body down on the bed. He straddled his body and leaned down to kiss him, but Type pushed him back but kept his hands on his broad shoulders. 

"No kissing," Type snapped. His face was still in the eternal frown he had on. Despite how much Tharn wanted him, he had to draw a line somewhere. Type wouldn't just set him aside after this. 

"I won't have sex with someone who won't kiss me," Tharn said. He gazed into Type's eyes. He waited for his decision and then saw it in Type's eyes before he felt his lips pressed against his. 

"Happy now?" Type asked sarcastically. 

Tharn smiled. "That was not enough." He leaned down and brushed his lips against Type's. He nibbled at his upper lip. Once, twice, three times. He raised his head to check Type's expression. Type's eyes were wide open. He was looking at Tharn differently. His eyes had clouded with desire and it was enough for Tharn.

Tharn swooped down and kissed Type. His tongue licked at his bottom lip asking for entry. Type's lips parted on a moan and he kissed Tharn back. Their tongues dueled together as they tried to devour each other. 

Tharn remembered the ice and pulled back. Type frowned and looked down at him curiously. Tharn grabbed a piece of ice and put it in his mouth. He leaned down once more and Type's eyes fluttered close as he accepted the cold ice. He bit at Tharn's lower lip. Sucked on it and nibbled it as if worshiping it. 

Tharn leaned back and took off his tank top. His pale chest gleamed with sweat. He looked down at Type and saw his own lust reflected back at him. He grabbed Type's hand and put it on his chest. He slowly slid down Type's hand down his chest, down his abs until their hands touched the edge of his underwear.

He pressed Type's hand down on the mattress and leaned down to kiss him once more. His hands roamed over Type's body. He let go of Type's hand and took off his shirt. His hands reached for his boxers and took those off too. 

He gripped Type's cock and stroked up and down. Type's lips parted on a moan. His neck arched as he thrust his cock into Tharn's grip. 

"Tharn...ah...ah...harder" Type moaned.

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