Episode 12: Fighting for you

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18+ ONLY! Read at your own risk!!

At this moment, Tharn hated himself. There must be something so unlovable about him that everyone left him. All of his relationships had ended badly. He would hurt and then he would move on. Maybe he'd always hated himself and that's why he never questioned why they left. 

And they would leave. It seemed inevitable. Like a destiny that he could never escape. Except none of them had ever made him hurt like this. He didn't think that he could get over Type. Type...Just thinking his name hurt. It felt like someone was burning his skin with acid. As if someone was hammering a nail into his heart while stabbing him in the lungs at the same time. 

Tharn could hardly breathe from the pain. He stumbled home and the tears fell down unchecked. He didn't dare stay in their home. Everything reminded him of Type. The couch where he would fall asleep, the bed where they slept, the shower where they made love in the morning before school. 

He looked through the glass doors of the side of the house and stumbled through them and into Thorn's arms. 

"Tharn! Are you okay?" Thorn exclaimed in concern. Tharn held onto his arms and buried his face in his older brother's stomach. No one had ever crushed him to his knees this way. 

"P', I've been dumped again," Tharn cried with the little breath he had left. His sobs wracked his body until he wished for death. Only death could relieve the pain of losing his love. It'd been only days ago he was planning their future. Planning on being together forever and then Type said he couldn't take it anymore. 

"It's okay," Thorn comforted him, but Tharn was inconsolable.

"What did I do wrong? Why did Type leave me?" Tharn held onto Thorn tightly as he cried. His eyes were tightly shut and tears streamed down his face endlessly. Why couldn't he stay? What is it about me? 

"You didn't do anything wrong" Thorn soothed. His heart was breaking for his brother and he frowned as he tried to think. Wasn't everything just fine a few weeks ago? 

Tharn had no shame as he confessed his feelings. "I love him so much, P'Thorn. Why did he have to leave me? I love him. I want to be with him," Tharn cried. 

Thorn rubbed Tharn's back as he kept telling him everything was okay, but he knew it wasn't. His brother had never been like this. This grief was unlike anything he'd ever seen. Tharn shook against him and Thorn cried with him. His pain was his pain and it had always been. Thorn would have to step in. Type would have to answer to him. 

After crying for what seemed like hours, Thorn put Tharn to sleep in his darkened room. Even as he slept, his hands touched fervently the other side of the bed as if seeking someone and his head moved from side to side as his pain followed him into his dreams. 

The next day

Thorn stared at Tharn dipping his feet in the pool. Then saw as Tharn suddenly threw his phone in the pool and his shoulders started to shake and he knew he was crying again. He sat beside him once again to comfort him and rub his back. On the one hand he was glad his younger brother was clinging to him again, but on the other hand he didn't want it to happen like this. 

Thorn left Tharn sleeping again and left the house. He drove to Type's school and went up to a young handsome freshman. 

"Hey, do you know where Type is?" Thorn asked him. 

The freshman looked him up and down with an eyebrow raised. Yeah, I know I'm handsome, but can you go get Type? Thorn asked in his head even as he rolled his eyes. 

The freshman jogged away from him. A few moments later Type came down the steps and Thorn watched him look around for a while before walking behind him. 

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