Forgiving Autumn

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Betrayal was a word thrown lightly to describe Moon, but it had never been used on the other forces.

The Kangaroo bounded back, feeling a pit of sorrow form in his stomach, had he truly betrayed those of his season? Autumn snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at his surroundings, all of this destruction over what? A creature with a gift perusing their purpose?

Autumn hopped towards Sun and Moon, a leaf mark glowing on his forehead, meaning that he was coming in peace. He begged for the forgiveness of the ones he had fought against.
"Please forgive me, I understand what has been down and I now see the peaceful conclusion. Please let me be on your side again!" Sun took the pleading creatures paw,
"Of course you're forgiven." Sun smiled, Autumn returned the silent gesture, he then turned to Moon.

"Moon, I'm so sorry for the way I've treated you, I would always act out and do before thinking. I had always been under the impression that you weren't worthy for us to be acquaintances, but now I see that perhaps I was the one who was unworthy." Autumn looked deep into Moon's eyes. Moon gave Autumn a gentle smile,
"Of course we can be friends. I can't promise you that you have been forgiven for all you have done to me, but I'm sure that as time passes by I'll find new ways you have forgiven me with." Autumn looked at Moon with eyes full of delight as he lunged forward, wrapping his arms around the Fox before him.

"Autumn, how dare you go to the side of evil!" Winter growled, only to receive a deeper, louder and all the more intimating growl back.
"I'd watch your mouth if I were you, Winter." Sun boomed.

The remaining the opponents stood with their eyes the size of dinner plates. Their own leader just growled at them.

Sorry for the story being so short. Bai

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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