The Midnight Game rules and Requirements

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For those who do not know the rules or even what this is. 


At least one principal


.One Candle
.1 lighter or box of matches
.1 piece of paper
.1 writing implement
.1 pin
.1 wooden door, closed

The Invitation:
1. Begin prior to midnight.
2. write your full name, first, middle, and last, on the piece of paper with your writing implement. Prick your finger with the pin and squeeze until a drop appears. Dot the blood on the paper and allow it to soak in. 
3. Turn off every light in your home. 
4. Place the paper with your name and blood on it in front of the closed wooden door. Light the candle and place it on the piece of paper with your name and blood on it.
5. Knock on the door 22 times. The 22nd knock must occur precisely on 12am, or it will not work. Open the door, then blow out the candle and close the door.
6. Relight your candle immediately.

The main event:
1. Keeping your candle in hand and salt, matches and/or lighter in the other begin to move about your home.
2. Should your candle go out, you must relight it within the next ten seconds. If you are successful continue moving, do not stop moving until 3:33 am.
3. If you are unsuccessful in relighting the candle surround yourself in a circle of salt and remain in it until 3:33am.

The ending:
1. at 3:33 am it is safe to stop moving. You may turn on the lights. The game is over.

Additional notes:

If you do not go until the time of ending, the Midnight man will haunt you. You must play the game properly all over again or he will continue to haunt you. If you at any time stop moving he will catch you. Surrounding yourself in a circle of salt will mean he wins, though at that moment he cannot harm you. But he has won, and he will find ways to make you move out of the circle. You must play the game again to get rid of him. There is no guarantee he will leave completely once the game is finished. The MM will target those sleeping, or pets like dogs and cats. Anyone in the house is playing, whether they want to or not. If you do not get rid of him properly, he can not only haunt you, but other people who live in the residence. If he catches you then he will either make you see hallucinations of your worst fear or remove your organs, One By One.

Signs he is near:
.Candle going out.
.Sudden drop in temperature.
.Humanoid figure in darkness.
.A soft whisper with no discernible source.


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