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Optional Mood Music: 'sand castles' - fujistu

N O T E S 

Zane struggles to solve the mystery of his anonymous friend's identity


{10:43am 2nd October} PM between Zane Ro'Meave and Mystery Girl (argh)

What's a synonym for feeling mildly annoyed or cheated?


I'm miffed

You want to know why?

uh ok?

Well, you know when you get messaged by someone who thinks you're someone else and then you decide to voice your struggles and annoyances to them and then they figure out who you are because of that and don't tell you their identity in return?

thats the worst rite?




ONE question

1 very unspecific question


Name one primary colour that your hair coincides with


You did say unspecific

Though, in hindsight, if your hair is brown or black, I may have just asked a worthless question.



And coz i feel bad 4 u

my hair is a 'naturally unnatural' colour

Ok. So I've narrowed it down. 75% of the school could be you


Is it ok to assume you're a female?

wat gave it away

Well, I've not really met anyone who uses those 'emotes' like you do and identifies as male. Also, something about what you say seems to give me the 'girl' vibe. I don't know.



You know that's really hard to pick up through text?

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