Chapt. 8 scb

395 24 11

a bit internment...

Everytime I watched the TV I'd feel eyes on me, I know who it is obviously, because the other 4 are cuddling, I'd look in the corner of my eye and I'd see Seungmin looking at me then trying to look back at the TV to focus.

I looked at the biggest couch seeing that Jisung feel asleep on Minho's chest while Minho is still awake and Chan and Felix are having their own conversation, sometimes you could hear Felix's giggle.

trailing my eyes back to Seungmin, he was also looking at me, our eyes lock for a moment before Seungmin looked away.

thinking of something to do, I took out my phone and texted Seungmin "meet me in the kitchen" and got up as quiet as possible to head to the kitchen.

after a few minutes I hear minnie pitter patter of feet then a Seungmin appeared in the door way.

"h-hey" he inhaled, "what chu need?" I looked at him eyes trailing up and down his body, I raised my hand and told him to come closer, I was leaning up againest the counter and once he was close enough I flipped our places.

I pinned him onto the counter, both hands on either side of him, attached to the counter behind him, I leant towards his ear, "You" I said bluntly leaving a kiss on his ear, pulling away looking him in the eyes.

he blushed at my comment and looked into my eyes, his blush suddenly faded, "then take me" he said and trailed his finger on my jaw.

(A/N I kept writing jae smh)

after that one comment I lifted him onto the counter and started to kiss him deeply, he wrapped his arms around my neck, tangling his hands in my hair.

I didn't want to add more hickeys to his neck so I kept kissing him untill we needed breathe, when we pulled away, Seungmin started to trail kisses down my jaw to my neck and started to make his own marks.

I guess he got sick of me always marking him, after he finished his mark, he pulled me into another kiss, I took over it and licked his bottom lip, Seungmin gave me access almost instantly, he started to whimper and give soft moans when I'd do certain things like when I suck on his tongue or I'd press down on a certain place on his body.

pulling away again, Seungmin didn't want to wait so his gave me a bunch of pecks-

"Could you guys not fuck in my kitchen?" Felix voice spoke, and we pulled away from eachother, panting a bit, we turned towards the voice and saw Chan back hugging Felix.

"well you kitchen does look like a nice place to f- OW!" Chan got smacked by Felix due to the fact Felix has now became a blushing mess.

Seungmin and I just laughed at their actions. "are you and hyung dating yet?" I asked tilting my head.

"no sadly" Chan answered nuzzling into Felix's neck, "what about you too?" I looked at Seungmin seeing a obvious pink tint brush his cheeks, "Seungmin-ah?" he turned around looking at me and I opened my arms, he accepted the hug and both Chan and Felix awed at us.

I kissed Seungmin's head of hair, "its up to him if he wants to be a relationship or not" I wrapped my arms more securely around his waist.

"well we better head back to the lounge before Minho hyung starts feeling lonely" Felix said and we all nodded, heading back to the lounge.

but as we didn't expect was a Minho sprawled out on the biggest couch with a sleeping squirrel against his chest.

"sorry I took over the couch" Minho sighed, "he was getting in an uncomfortable position" he ended wrapping his arm around Jisung, his hands resting on the small of Jisung's back.

"it's alright, Felix and I will take one arm chair while Changbin-ah and Seungminnie takes the other"  Chan reassured, Minho nodded and Chan sat on one of the armchairs pulling Felix to his lap, making him yelp in surprise.

I sat on the arm chair and saw Seungmin was hesitant, he's done it before more than once, but he's still unsure, "Seungminnie, baby... it's alright" I whispered to him since everyone but Jisung is now watching a cartoon on the television.

Seungmin looked at everyone in the room then connected eyes with me, I opened my arms showing him, he's able to slot into my lap.

he stepped closer and slowly slid into my lap, he made himself comfortable by wrapping an arm around my waist, the other sitting on my chest while he rests his head on my chest.

I heard a camera click but I couldn't care less, but Seungmin head snapped to the side, looking somewhere, but when I heard Minho-hyung giggle, I sighed and placed a hand on Seungmin's shoulder while the other tangled into his hair, treading through each stray hair on his head.

Seungmin snuggled into me to get as much warmth as possible, he also turned a bit to also watch the TV some random English cartoon with Korean subtitles playing.

I was to busy watching the puppy in my arms to even bother about the world around me.


after I don't know how long, Seungmin ended up drifting off to sleep in my lap, he nuzzled into my chest and kept clutching onto my hoodie at times that make me coo softly.

I finally took my gaze off of Seungmin and looked around the room, I saw Minho asleep with Jisung on the couch, Chan asleep and Felix leaving pecks on his face.

"are you right there Lix?" he jumped at the sudden sound, "y-yeah, I though you were asleep?" he said moving in Chan's lap to face me, "nah, just watching this pup" I smilled looking down at Minnie before looking back at Felix.

"well you should also get rest, hyung, its around 2 in the morning" he told me and I sighed, "you should too, you're younger than me after all" I smirked,

"yah! I'm taller than you though" I tsked "that doesn't change anything" I heard Seungmin groan, I look down seeing him stir in his sleep, "just go to sleep pinhead" Felix tsked and got comfortable in Chan's lap closing his eyes "trying" to sleep.

I gave up with him and decided to get comfortable with Seungmin and try to get some shut eye, I closed my eyes snuggling Seungmin closer to me as I also fell into slumber.


It's been so long since I've updated any of my books, I've literally been going through so much lately lol

anyway hope you enjoyed 💜


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