Her Shadow

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Heya! Euphonics here, this'll be my third one shot holy heck I am having a blast doing these short stories. They really get my creative juices flowing and I don't have to drudge through things like when I'm writing novels.

Disclaimer: I have no idea if my one-shots are good. I just write 'em for fun and I just started trying to write some yesterday night (21/12/2019). I've only ever previously done long novels with chapter counts sometimes hitting over a hundred. So any criticism and ways to improve is always appreciated!

Anyways, this is my rendition/retelling of an old fairy tale under a similar name by one Hans Christian Andersen. Albeit, a different concept with his version being the largest inspiration behind this one.

I tried vampires and romance in my last two one-shots, this one is one I feel resonates with me most and is the one with modern day elements.

If you haven't read the original 'The Shadow' by HCA, I strongly recommend you check it out as this was based off it.

P.S. Red Riding Hood is up next on my list! Again, with my bit of modern/supernatural twist on it! If this goes on, I'll compile all these into a single book to make it more convenient for offline readers! (If ya'll want that!)

And now—On with the story!


For as long as Macy and Abigail could remember, they had been friends as close as sisters.

As children, they regularly spent the day at home building up dollhouses, though it was mostly Macy who did the building and Abigail giving the ideas. They would have little dolls Macy's mom would buy to play around with and Abigail would accompany Macy in every one of her little tea parties. The menu was the same every time seeing as it was one that Macy had pestered her mom to print out using her workplace's printer. But it was enough for the two of them.

They were content with their lives as children. Macy was a smart kid, she'd always do well and so her parents had no complaints as to when she did play with Abigail for hours on end, leaving her schoolwork to the very last minute, at times, she would leave it till the next day and rush through it with Abigail's help.

But as the teenage years came, Macy's parents did grow less fond of Abigail for reasons unbeknownst to either of the duo. They never liked talking to her and always had awkward expressions when it came to looking at her or answering a question Macy has to repeat for them. Always.

Once, during her birthday, Macy had invited Abigail to join in their dinner. They chatted but even as Abigail asked questions, Macy's parents never did answer. It reached a boiling point when Macy lost her temper,"Abby asked you if you liked the food she made! Can't you even give her the basic courtesy to respond, mom? I know you don't like her, I know that alright? But can't you treat her like a normal person for one second?"

That birthday didn't end well. Abigail had to spend that night comforting a crying Macy. She wasn't too happy with her parents. Abigail didn't mind all too much, however. After all, she had her best friend by her side; What other people thought of her mattered little.

The night after, Macy couldn't sleep and neither could Abigail. They overheard Macy's parents arguing in the living room in the dead of night. The two, curious, crept to the stairs to eavesdrop on this fight,"Jesus Maggie, I can't deal with this any more. Abigail this, Abigail that—When will that girl go away?"

"She'll grow out of it Leon! And don't you use that tone on me. Don't pretend like this isn't hurting me either!"

The two girls were tired and befuddled. What they were arguing about neither understood. It sounded like a cryptic message between two adults—Teenagers the likes of them could not truly decrypt it until they grew older. But one thing was for certain: Neither of them wanted Abigail in their lives.

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