Chapter 31: Reunion ♡

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As I ran towards the stairs, I could hear him hammering on the door, yelling at me to let him out and the fury in his voice made me start sobbing with fright. Reaching the hall, I kicked the door that led to the garage with my foot, shutting it against the noise. Taking the stairs two at a time, I ran to my bedroom, retrieved the glasses from where we had thrown them and carried them down to the kitchen, trying to ignore Jungkook’s desperate attempts to get out of the room below by focusing on what I needed to do. With shaking hands, I washed the glasses, dried them carefully and put them back in the cupboard.

Hurrying back upstairs, I went to my bedroom, straightened the bed, removed the shampoo, sliver of soap and towel from the bathroom and carried them into Jungkook’s bathroom. Stripping off my pyjamas I put them in the laundry basket, went into the bedroom where my clothes were kept and got dressed quickly. I opened the wardrobe and took a couple of pairs of shoes from their boxes, some underwear and a dress, went back to the master bedroom and placed them around the room. On returning to the dressing room, I picked up the case that laid under Jungkooks bed from the night I got here and went downstairs.

I wasn’t worried about getting out of the house—I didn’t need a key to open the front door—but I was worried about how I was going to get anywhere without any money. I knew that Jungkook had probably hung the jacket he had worn that morning in the cloakroom, but I didn’t want to rifle through his clothes for money and hoped I would come across some while I was looking for my passport. I opened the door of his study and turned on the light. When I saw both my passports and my phone lying neatly on his desk, I almost cried with relief. There was an envelope beside them and, opening it, I found some money. with my messsy hair all over my fingers, I slid open one of the drawers, but I couldn’t find more money and I didn’t dare rifle through the other drawers. Taking my passport, phone and the money, I came out of his room and left the door half open.

Realising that I had no idea what the time was, I went back to the kitchen and looked at the clock on the microwave. I was alarmed to see that it was already half past four. In all my careful planning I hadn’t actually thought about where I would go once I stepped out. I can't go to anyone's house since the nearest house is at least half an hour away—I suppose I’d had a vague idea of taking a taxi—so it was galling to realise that I had no idea what number I should call to order one. Public transport was out—the nearest bus stop was a fifteen-minute walk away and I was loath to draw attention to myself by wheeling a heavy case along the road and anyway, I doubted it would get me there in time. Forgetting I had my phone on me, I went back into the hall and picked up the phone. As I stood there wondering what number I should dial, Jimin's came into my head and, hardly daring to believe that I had remembered it correctly, I called him, praying that he would pick up.

"J-Jimin, it's Ariana," I spoke.
"Ariana? I haven't spoken to you in a long time! How are you?" he said worryingly.
"Listen, It's Jungkook. I used the pills you gave me, any chance you can collect me right now?" I tried to stay as calm as possible so every word can be heard and doesn't waste time.
"of course I can! Stay there, don't panic, everything will be fine!" and with that, he hung up.

A couple of minutes went by when I realised I should probably make myself look more presentable. I hurried back into my room, cautious of the probability that Jungkook may find a way to come out of the garage, and I dressed up.

I left my hair down as it still hurt from when he pulled it with full force but by the time I put on my shoes the doorbell had already sounded off and I found myself rushing to open it for Jimin

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I left my hair down as it still hurt from when he pulled it with full force but by the time I put on my shoes the doorbell had already sounded off and I found myself rushing to open it for Jimin. He embraced me tightly, checking for any bruises or marks on my body and it reminded me of how thoughtful Jimin really is compared to Jungkook's hostility.
"Are you alright?!" he looked up and down.
"I'm fine, for now. We need to get out of here,"
"Why what happened?"
"It's Jungkook. He's in the garage right about now and I'm scared he's going to wake up. I'll explain everything that happened on the way," and we both rushed out to his car, putting my suitcase in his boot and driving as far as we could from that obnoxious place.


Jimin helped me on what to say in front of the police, as for sure they'll find his body, dead or alive. All I have to do is comply by his rules and hopefully everything will go fine. However I couldn't help but worry, not about myself, but Jungkook's well-being as he was the love of my life at some point in time. I worry about the state he's in and worry about what will happen to him when he comes out. I'm sure the members will need him and if Jungkook isn't there in BTS, God knows how the members will cope.


20 minutes later, we arrived at the Boy's house and I guess this is where I'll be sleeping tonight. They assured me everything will be alright and that's when I figured Jimin had told them eveything from the start. They all took turns comforting me and making me laugh, including Yoongi. Who knew Yoongi was a top- notch entertainer when he's not asleep half of the time?
Though my worries had vanished once I saw their faces, the thought of being brought in to the police station lingered at the back of my mind as I wondered how I could make music and satisfy my fans as I'm in jail. The respect for those related to me and the people who love me will decrease and they will be looked down upon, just because of me.

We ate and it felt great to be in company of someone I truly loved, Jimin. I held him tight as I laid on a mattress bed with the sheets as my favourite colour, lavender. As expected, I couldn't sleep with possibilities and thoughts rushed through my mind at once but Jimin pulled me close and reminded me that he was still here and everything will go according to plan and he thoroughly explained how he wouldn't let anyone harm me anymore.

I'm Just Thinkin' Bout You (Ariana x BTS) (Ariana x Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now