You Don't have to be alone

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(Btw none of the art is mine)  A bit of angst but mostly fluff.


               (Nu lapis child don't cri)

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               (Nu lapis child don't cri)

  Lapis awoke in a cold sweat. She was hyperventilating with tears streaming cold down her face. Lapis curled up tensely into a ball and sobbed. (same girl)

"Why? Why am I like this?! That second part of the dream didn't even happen and yet I'm still scared!" Lapis said to herself, crying. The blue ocean gem sat up and looked around.

  The barn door was closed shut in a protective manner. The smell of fresh oxygen and hay sat still in the cool air. Gentle bits of the cool wind blew through the cracks of the wood. The sound of wind gently howling and trees rustling fills the air.

  "Safe in the barn." Lapis reminded herself. "Not in the mirror, not in a cell, not underwater. In a cozy barn." Next Lapis looked at the mattress Peridot slept on. Peridot did not have limb-enhancers, but still had limbs. Peridot's gem was nowhere near damaged and was slightly glowing as the hologram of her dream showed. Lapis did not notice, however, how awful of a dream peridot was having. Still, despite all the safety, memories of her past traumas filled the blue gem's mind as she curled up tensely into a ball bawling her eyes out and shaking terribly.

  Meanwhile Peridot was tossing and turning anxiously as her gem showed a hologram of her nightmare. She was back on the ship getting emotionally abused by Jasper.

  "Useless" "runt" "worthless" "disgraceful" "wrong" etc.

  Peridot mumbled after each insult, "I know," and seemed to have meant it. Tears formed in her eyes as she continued to be reminded of all her insecurities. Suddenly, the small gem shot up quivering and upset. She looked around and noticed Lapis sobbing uncontrollably on the ground.

  "L-LAPIS?!" Peridot shouted still upset. She ran over to where Lapis was laying and picked up the shaking gem in her arms, struggling to support her weight. 

  Lapis, still petrified, was then lowered onto Peridot's mattress.

  Peridot sat up and offered her shoulder to Lapis as the blue gem shakily nodded and moved over to the technician.

  She kneeled in front of Peridot's lap, hugging her tightly, then rested her head on Peri's shoulder allowing the rest of her form fall limp. With one hand, Lapis ran her fingers through Peridot's fluffy triangular hair.

  Peridot did not mind this gesture one bit. She wrapped her arms around Lapis, gently stroking her back while quietly and comfortingly repeating that she is here, hushing the sobs. Peridot gave her a second to calm down, being that she could feel Lapis shaking horribly in her arms. About 7 minutes later, Lapis seemed to have calmed down a considerable bit, so Peridot decided to drop the question.

  "Lapis, you don't have to answer me if you d-don't want to, but, what's wrong?"

  Lapis clenched Peridot's hair and tensed up a bit, but then explained her nightmare.

A healing process (lapidot fluff)Where stories live. Discover now