Chapter 1 (first Meeting)

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That day was bit hot but windy.. Even though it was summer day it was calm and soothing.


Damn it!! Again I have to go to the grocery store.. Whyyyyy... I hate going out dont they know. That's why I hate weekends my mom always takes advantage of it and send me to buy bulk of stuffs..
I combed my hair with my fingers and lightly loosened my hair.
"well.. What a beautiful day.. It doesn't feel sweaty today.. I love summers like this I want to go somewhere but sadly I am running errands now." I talked to myself.
Finally I am at the store let's see what mom told me to buy. I took my phone out of my pocket and then it suddenly falls into the ground. As I bent to pick my phone my fingers got touch with someone's fingers as I looked them fingers they looked so exotic and hot and as I looked up at the person I was mesmerised by his blue eyes..and then I saw his face.. And my heart skiped a beat.. This boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was the most  handsome boy I have ever seen in my life. He continued to look at me and so did I. But then suddenly he awkwardly stood up and gave me my phone and before I could say anything he ran out of the store. Something fell from his pocket and I picked it up and shouted - -
"hey excuse me... Wait you left something" but he didn't heard.
"oh boy.. Now what the hell should I do!!???????" i shouted.

THAT SHY BOI (ReaderXDieter) Where stories live. Discover now