The fight between Blind Guy!

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A/n I'll be honest here...I completely forgot about this story and I was on another account..I am very sorry and I will give you this chapter to make up for it.

Y/n's P.O.V:

I readied my stance as I was watching for the demons attack.

"You know, it's really a shame you're a demon slayer, I would've kept you for myself if you weren't. But sadly I have to kill you and ruin your perfect little face now." Mr.Blind demon smirked.

"NOT ON MY WATCH YOU DON'T!" Tanjiro yelled as he went in for an attack.

"Wait! Tanjiro!" I called out to him. However, I was too late, Tanjiro was already shot back multiple times by arrows.

"You damn cute bastard." I grumbled.

Hey don't judge me, I'm honest when I want to be.

"Aw, thanks doll~" he smirked again.

He shot his arrows at me, but for some reason I was able to see them, I dodged them to the best of my abilities, and then I used a move.

"Frost Breathing form 7, Ice pierce."

Mr Blind Demon was only able to dodge that barely then he hit me straight on with one of his arrow attack, and I'm not going to lie, it hurt like hell

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Mr Blind Demon was only able to dodge that barely then he hit me straight on with one of his arrow attack, and I'm not going to lie, it hurt like hell. It hurt like nothing I've ever felt before.

"To bad doll, you seemed like you were a really good fighter. You had a lot of future potential, too bad all of your dreams will end right here and now." Blind demon laughed as I kept getting slammed to the ground over and over again.

No...I can't die..not now..I haven't even met  Zenitsu or Inosuke, I can't give into the pain

But, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a way to retaliate.

I felt myself fading in and out of consciousness...

Is this...the end?

"Y/n!" Tanjiro called out.

"Tanjiro?" I mumbled softly.

"Dumb demon slayer you better save her damn life you hear?" Yushiro yelled.

"Yushiro too?" I mumbled before I blacked out.

"Maybe you should pay attention to your surroundings! Water breathing form 5, whirlpool!" I heard a slice, but it was faint for me.

I could hardly feel my body.

Was I going to die...

"Please hang in there Y/n!" Tanjiro sniffles.

"Tanjiro...please don't cry.."

Kimetsu no Yaiba Demon Slayer X reader {The Frost Breaker} -Discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now