chapter one.

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It was the morning after Oscar got released from prison. The room was a weird dim color, but Melina was thankful the blue tattered curtains served her well up until now. Her eyes fluttered open as her body began to follow suit in waking up, jolting to the unfamiliar feeling of being held on to. She shifted when Oscar nuzzled his head in her neck, allowing him to adjust his grip around her waist while her body fell back in to its previous position. She can smell the cigarettes and his cologne that reminds her of her grandpa.

"What time did you get in?" She said, throat scratchy and dry. Santos parties are hella fun, but you pay the price for it the next morning. They were gonna have a little after party of their own after the official one ended, but Oscar got a call from Cuchillos to go tend to some business.

"'Bout an hour ago," he mumbles.

They have this conversation with their eyes closed, basking in the feeling of each other's warmth with no time limit. They could sink in to each other and honestly, they would do it in a heartbeat right then. It was long overdue.

"y Junior?"

"With Cesar."

His breath ghosted on her neck as he talked. He slipped his hand under her (his) shirt, grazing fingertips along the hem of her underwear. She bit her lip, enjoying how his fingers felt against her skin.

"I missed you, babygirl," he stated, leaving soft kisses on her exposed shoulder. "So much."

His hand moved up to cup her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers. Immediately, Melina felt cold electricity pulse throughout her body. It had been so long since she's had any type of action and it showed.

A gasp parted her lips when he flipped her over so she was on top. Oscar leaned back against the headboard, letting Melina straddle him while he ran his hands over her thighs.

"'s too early. Everyones home."

Oscar ignored the concern in her voice, instead continuing his caressing of her body. "They're asleep. It's summer, fuck do a three and a fourteen year old have to do at 6 in the morning?"

"Junior gets up early sometimes."

"Nah, little travieso is knocked out from how much he ate last night."

That was all the convincing she needed. In a matter of seconds, both were unclothed and trying to get as close as possible to each other.

Melina was pretty sure her underwear was hanging on the lamp shade.

. . .

Oscar, Junior, and Cesar ate at the kitchen table. Oscar had made breakfast, opting for pancakes. They're always the safest bet. He wasn't sure just how rusty he was in the kitchen now.

Melina had situated herself against the corner, coffee cup full in her hand. She got caught up in the sweetness of watching her boys. She loved that. Her boys. If she was active on facebook, she would post corny shit with that caption all the time. They were such...boys. A shirtless Oscar, too much hair gel and did you soak in a bathtub of cologne Cesar, and a little life that somehow has survived happy despite external situations. But still, they were her little family. It was like watching the young of a pack interact with the king, and she was observing it like some nature documentary. Oscar would throw glances from the corner of his eye during a story Cesar was telling and he took a moment to smirk to himself. The glow radiating off her skin and the smile on her lips, that was him.

After the two kids finished scarfing down their breakfast, they headed to the living room to play something on the Playstation (well, more like Cesar is actually playing and Junior thinks he's doing something).

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