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Check out the new trailer made by yours truly ^^^

48; History

El woke suddenly to a pitch black room and the sound of Scott snoring softly beside her. One of his arms lay draped over her middle, preventing her from getting up unless she woke him too in the process.

His skin emanated with such pleasant warmth that she found herself moving in closer so that she was tucked against his chest. El could feel the energy thrumming in her veins now, slowly restoring itself. It should have been more than enough to heat her body, yet she still felt ice cold.

She laid like that for hours, staring up at the ceiling with only silence echoing in her mind. The only indication of the passing time was the rising sun beginning to fill the room with light. She watched as it crept slowly from the foot of her bed all the way up until she had to squint against it shining in her eyes.

It wasn't long before Scott began to stir beside her, and after last night she wasn't afraid of being caught watching him. He looked so peaceful when he slept, it was the only time he was free of all the worries and dangers that constantly plagued him.

"How long have you been awake?" He murmured without opening his eyes.

"I don't know. A while," she replied and traced her finger lightly down the side of his face. His eyes crinkled at the tickling sensation and her finger dipped into the dimple on his cheek.

El could have said it then—that she loved him.

"Should I be worried?"

When she didn't respond, his eyes opened to look at her. "I'm sorry about your friend, Eleanor. I never got the chance to meet her, but if she was anything like you then I know she was great."

"She was better," El said without hesitation, "So much better."

He kissed her forehead and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. After Allison, he should have known what to say to comfort her, and although he knew exactly what she was feeling, there were no words that would make her feel better. Only time would mend the emptiness where Miranda had once been.

"Do we have to go to school today?" She whined, a small attempt at showing she would be okay. Fake it until you make it, El thought, I can do that.

Scott saw through it immediately but didn't comment on it once he saw the pleading in her eyes for him to just go with it. If she cried and moped around all day it would do nothing to mend her broken heart. It certainly wouldn't bring Miranda back either. "You've missed a lot of days. If you keep it up you won't be a senior with us next year."

El groaned again, this time of genuine misery, and slumped back into the pillows. "Help me up," she grumbled and held her hands out for him. Scott rolled his eyes and lifted her out of bed with an effortless tug. He followed her into the bathroom and leaned against the wall while she washed her face and brushed her teeth.

"Since I'm here practically every night," he began, sounding somewhat nervous. El peered at him in the mirror with furrowed brows. "I thought maybe I could leave this here."

He reached into his lacrosse duffel bag and pulled out a toothbrush still inside the packaging. "Is that okay?"

"That's more than okay."

Scott grinned and tore open the package, and she made room for him in front of the sink while she finished up. "I need to shower."

El made a show of plugging her nose in disgust and narrowly escaped his attempt to pull her into a hug. "I'll get you some towels."

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