Chapter s17enteen

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"HOW WAS THE VISIT?" I texted Jayden.

"pretty nice! i met alex's parents and ryan too. everyone's cool"

"good 4 u then"

I placed my phone on my bedside table and tried to finish up my homework. My stomach wasn't satisfied with my decision though and it made itself clear by growling uncontrollably every minute.

"Jamie! Come down!" Mum screamed for the eleventh time that night.


"Honey, if you don't come down here, I'm coming up there myself and taking all your homework!"

I rushed down the stairs, quick! Anyone who's lived with my mum for years will know that she didn't really mean that. She meant she'd give me a good beating.

I'd come prepared with my phone and a pair of earphones just in case of any unwanted conversation. The good thing about earphones is that they're effective whether you're listening to music or not. Just put them on and bob your head, and everyone in the house shuts up.

I sat next to Dee and served up a decent amount of food. After that, I sat down, ate a few chunks and checked my messages again.

1 new message from Jaydenn

I quickly opened the message and barely even finished reading it when my phone started to buzz. Startled, I reacted and threw my phone up, juggling it like I was playing a game of hot potato or something. In the process, I accidentally pressed the 'answer call' button and heard Jayden speak.


Mum, dad and Dee were, of course, really baffled by what they were seeing. With the earphones on, I doubt they could hear Jayden speaking either. To them, I'd just jumped up, screamed and juggled my phone for no reason.

I smiled at them sheepishly and turned to my phone. Holding it close to my mouth, I whispered, "Sorry! Dinner. Talk later?"

"Oh. Cool."

"Bye Jayden-"

"Jayden?!" shouted the whole Heaton family, apart from me. Well, dad seemed alarmed, mum was grinning and Dee was giving me a sort of evil smirk. Looks like everyone in my family is obsessed with him!

Jayden muttered a 'huh?' after that, and I hung up the phone before things got weird and awkward.

"Is Jayden coming?!" Dee asked, "I've wanted to speak to him for a while-"

"Yeah, is he?" Mum added as she leaned on the table.

"I certainly hope not!" said dad.

"And this is why I wear earphones during dinner."

"Who bought those earphones?" mum asked before she could cross her arms over her chest and change her whole facial expression from nosey to 'I'll-beat-you-up'.

"Fair point."

"I say we ban earphones at the dining table," Dee suggested as he stared at me and leaned back.

"How about no electronics in general?"

Dad, Dee and I shook our heads. "The news Barbara! How am I supposed to read the news without my iPad?"

"Umm...There's something called a newspaper."

"I say we burn those newspapers," Dee whispered to me, "then mum next."

We both burst out in laughter and probably gave our parents a heart attack. After some short period of time, mum started to laugh too, and so did dad. "Look at us arguing like idiots. And it all started with Jayden-"

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