|Author's Note|

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Hey! Welcome to Shadewylf!

This is my (so-called) main project, a book that has been around for nearly four years now, more than my time on Wattpad. It is the first of the Wylfven Trilogy, which is the first section of an ambitious set of hypothetical books, all set in the same world. My only goal in life is to write them all. Unfortunately, I keep getting sidetracked and messing up my plot, but I'll try my best.

But you don't care about what comes after this at the moment! We're talking about one book that you may or may not read. So, what will you find here? A growing world made up of wolf civilisation (yes, that's actual wolves, if I may yeet all werewolves far from here). Plenty of magic. Three alternating PoVs throughout the book, and many more characters besides them. Bad parents. Heroes who are very much not ready to be heroes. Fate and destiny and all that.

Basically, gather round if you like the sound of magical wolves and the chaos they bring.

- Pup

Note: This book is being rewritten offline, with a number of changes to plot and worldbuilding. While I most likely won't post this rewrite to Wattpad, if you are interested in reading it, you are free to join the discord server Writers' Kingdom, where I share rewrite chapters as I complete them :D


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