20.2 - Vendett

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Letting his paws lead him in a light jog, Toivo started down the hill. Lexi stumbled, and he leaned into her further, supporting her as they ran. It slowed quickly to a steady walk as they slipped behind the row of shacks that reached furthest up the hill.

Both of them gasped again, grateful for the new shelter the houses allowed. The wind was less forceful behind the houses. It made the gripping chill feel just a little less stinging. With a nod to Lexi, Toivo began to follow the houses towards the centre of the outpost. Dawn hadn't said where exactly Konrad would be meeting them, but he suspected that it would be at every settlement's most important meeting place - the central plaza.

A group of white wolves were gathered outside one of the houses. The narrow width of the path between the rows allowed them to block off the street, making getting past them impossible. Nervously, Toivo flicked his gaze to either side, but there was no obvious way around. They were trapped by tight terrace.

The Icewylves were muttering as they approached, but before he and Lexi could even get close they fell silent, their heads snapping up. Four pairs of eyes fixed themselves on Toivo's dark coat, and even when he dropped his eyes to the ground he could still feel the weight of their stares.

Keeping his head down, he followed Lexi as she curved to the left and muttered to the closest wolf, "Excuse me." The Icewylf stepped aside, but her eyes didn't leave Toivo as he passed her. Lexi slid past without trouble and turned back to wait for him, but before he could step away from the gathered wolves, a wide paw stretched out to block his path.

"I'm afraid Vendett doesn't accept scum visitors," the Icewylf snarled. Looking up, he reluctantly met her eyes. They were such a pale yellow that in the weak sunshine they appeared almost white.

"I'm just, uh, passing through," he forced out, making to squeeze past her. She moved to stand in front of him.

"The thing is," the wolf said, her bright eyes glowing, "you've already entered our settlement. That means, strictly, you shouldn't be allowed to leave." Her fangs flashed briefly. Toivo stumbled backwards, only to bump into another Icewylf waiting behind.

"Unless it's with claws embedded in your neck," added a third wolf to his side.

Protests lodged in Toivo's throat. He staggered into the wall to his left, his flank pressing against it. A splinter pierced his side, but he couldn't pull away. The wolves were advancing.

"Please," came Lexi's voice, from somewhere beyond the wall of white fur. "Toivo's different. He's from Borealton. We grew up together." Desperation crept into her tone, and he longed to meet her eyes. But only the pale eyes of the snarling Icewylf were visible.

"A likely story," she hissed, her snout now almost touching his. "Don't play dumb with me, Thunderwylf. Shadewylves only come from the cave. I've never had a chance to kill one before."

In a flash, her paws were upon him, her claws sinking into his chest as she pushed him to the ground. The earth stung cold at his back. He couldn't let her do this.

Twisting, he rolled out of her grip, and lashed his own claws out. She dodged them and came down on him again, harder. Something sharp scraped his snout. A low growl escaped his throat before he could stop it, and suddenly he was sliding away again and leaping to his paws.

Without thinking, he pounced. The momentum carried him forwards and sent them both crashing to the ground again. He could hear Lexi shouting something, and the cries of one of the Icewylves, but his opponent's snarls were loudest in his ears. So were his own growls. They grappled, white and black. He swiped and added a stripe of deep red to the mix.

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