3 - Howl

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A wolf's howl has been described as many things.

Some find it comforting, to know that an ally is close by. Others call it a sound of loyalty, and packs of wolves will howl together, to reinstate their strong bonds of friendship. There are even some who will howl merely for the thrill, and say it is a form of meditation for them.

But the howl that echoed across valley tonight was none of those things.

From her spot at the edge of the valley, one wolf pricked up her ears, her pale eyes widening at the sound. Flaring huge white wings, she leapt downwards, soaring towards the mournful cry.

This howl was nothing joyful. It was filled with pain, and anguish, and terror.

Angling her wings, the wolf curved in the air, her speed increasing as the howl grew louder. She had to reach the source. Otherwise... she didn't want to think about the consequences.

Then, all of a sudden, the howl cut out, and the winds carried only silence.

A deadly silence.

But the wolf's keen ears had already tracked to where the howl had echoed from. She pulled her wings in slightly as she approached an opening in the side of the valley. A cave. A gouge in the steep rock, jagged and intimidating. Her breath came out in short, hurried pants. With a deep breath, an effort to control her panic, she steeled herself and flew into the darkness.

The white feathers of her wings scraped roughly against the stone, but she kept going. Occasionally, her white-blue paws would touch against the bottom of the passage, morphing her flight into a half-run.

Eventually, light pooled into the cave, and the passage widened into open space. For a moment, the wolf landed, pausing, searching for danger.

It didn't take long to find it.

There were parts of the cave's darkness that had evaded the glow of the lamps. As the winged wolf watched, a creature - no, several creatures - folded from those shadows. Their claws clattered, raking through the stone. Their fangs glinted, catching the dim lamplight. Their eyes shone with all things evil.

One of these animals of shadow prowled before the rest, his eyes flowing with a colour as red as blood. He rested his malevolent gaze upon the paler wolf.

"Angel," he greeted her, his voice a rough snarl. Shivers ran up the wolf's spine, shaking her flight feathers. How did he know her name? "How nice to finally meet you."

Anger was forced up her throat, erupting in a low growl. "Get out of here, Shadewylf," she replied, hiding her fear under a facade of attack. Really, she knew it was hopeless to fight a wolf of his Pelt, let alone several. Even the sight of them was enough to double her heart's racing pace.

As she spoke, her eyes darted about the cave, searching for the source of the howl. She tried not to react when her eyes finally found the wolf.

On the floor.



I have to get to her.

But before she had chance to move, the sting of sharp claws dug into her side. Gasping in pain, she leapt upwards, flaring her wings out. Thankfully, the Shadewylf lost his grip and tumbled away, allowing her to launch herself towards the unconcious wolf.

"Katana," Angel whispered as she landed. She lifted a paw and gently shook her friend. Streaks of blood coated her mud-brown fur. "Katana, please answer me."

All she recieved was silence.

One quick glance up confirmed that the Shadewylves hadn't given up. They were charging across the cave, the red-eyed wolf growing closer with every second she hesitated. As quickly as she could, Angel bundled the fallen wolf onto her back, in the ridge between her wings, and sped upwards again.

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