First Day Of High School !

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Paige P.O.V

"Paige dear wake up ! Your Gonna be late for your first day of school ! "

"Ok , wait " I look in the clock it reads 6:30 I live at 7:30

"Wait 10 more minutes , is cause I'm still sleepy " I scream to my grandma

"Ok only 10 "

The I wake up and realize that it was time to go ,it was 7:15 I only have 15 minutes to get ready I'm not gonna make it

Than I wake up as fast it i can and I was so nervous because it was the first day of high school . New people new teachers , ughh a new world

So I went down stairs and my grandma was sitting there eating I was eating too

"Dear hurry up Henry is waiting for u in the car "

"Ok grandma I have to go bye , wish me luck " I kiss my grandma and went to the door

"Ok bye have a good day of school love you "

So I grabbed my backpack and went to the car

"Good morning Henry "

"Good morning Paige , are u nervous for your first day of high school "

"Yeah a little "

So I was in a new school big school I feel so nervous to go , I don't even know why I was nervous but i was felling something in my stomach like exited and nervous .

"So here we are good luck Paige have a great first day of school "

"Thank you , bye " so I got off of the car a lot a lot of people were standing there , so Henry left I was grabbing books in my hand

I was walking then something embarrassing happen my books fell off my hands ! Everybody was staring at me I was picking them up then .. I saw some hands helping me picking up my books when I stand up I saw...

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