Random boy !

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Paige P.O.V

When I stand up and look up there was a pretty looking guy he was the hottest guy I have never meet I was felling butterfly's in my stomach .

"Hey are you ok ?" He talked to me ,I was shocked I could't talk

"Hello? " He say again

"Oh sorry I don't know what happen "

"Is ok, oh sorry my name is Alex what's yours ?"

"My name is Paige,nice to meet you Alex"

"You have a beautiful name "

"Thanks I got it for my birthday !"

"Ha you are so funny , what class do u got? " I show him my schudle

"Wow! we got the same classes !"

"Really !" The bell ring we got to our classes I was so happy to have a friend well I wanted to be more than a friend but he was one of the most popular and hottest guy in the whole school every girl were in love with him.

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