Silent voice

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Paige P.O.V

Thank goodness that Alex wasn't fallowing me again I was felling free, I seat on a chair and I saw Meredith coming this way

"Hey Paige why are you not with Alex ? You and him always are together and now you are here alone "

"Is nothing is cause I needed to be alone "

"Oh" she said while she was sitting with me with her big plate full of food and guess what Alex is coming this way I was trying to run but I could because Meredith was with me

"Paige I need to talk to you ,Meredith can you live us alone for a second?"

"Sure" Meredith said with a weird face

"Paige are you gonna talk to me now ? I know that your ignoring me and if your trying to ignore me for what it happened yesterday I wanted to tell you that is ok ,but I just want to know a thing and I promise I will live you alone ,ok the thing that I want to know is that yesterday when we kiss do you feel something like love or something well the only thing that I wanted to know is that if you like me !!" Alex said

"Umm 😥" peep peep it was Henry's car thank goodness he saved me

"Got to go " I said to Alex

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