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3rd person pov
"Guys! Lets play truth or dare!!" Kirishima shouted while walking back to the group with a big smile on his face "h#ll no.."  "yaay! Me first!" Kaminari said katsuki rolled his eyes they all sit down in a circle "ok! Kaminari! Truth or dare?" "Dare!" "I dare you to eat 5 chili peppers without drinking anything!" Kaminari's jaw dropped making katsuki smirk evilly " good luck dunce face" "i-isnt that a bit too much?" Izuku asked worried for his freind "nope! Its fine Midoriya! I aint a pussy!" Kaminari said confidently they head downstairs and gave kaminari 5 chili peppers he let out a nervous sigh and mumbled "ok I can do this.." katsuki and kirishima start to record on kirishima's phone trying not to laugh kaminari bite a whole pepper making him cough he could hear snickers from the two "f##k it.." he bite all the chili peppers at once his face went red and eyes start to water kirishima and Izuku's eyes widen in pure shock while katsuki's smirk only grew bigger "k-kaminari! Oh gosh.." "Kaminari! You ok?!" Kirishima pats his back while Izuku grabed milk from the frige kaminari grabs it and drinks it not caring to put it in a glass he let out a sigh in relief then theres awkward silence, the phone stopped recording, "pfft.." "Hahahaha!!" They start laughing uncontrollably "ok, ok, my turn! Izuku! Truth or dare?" Kaminari asks "umm..truth!"  Kirishima whispered something in his ear "ohh! Ok! Izuku, did you ever kissed someone? First kiss maybe?" Kaminari asks "no, I never had a girlfreind before" he said slightly smiling "oh really? Man, I wish I could say the same thing  I already kissed someone, but I dont have any girlfreind" kaminari said "ew, you just f##k girls and leave them?" Katsuki asked kaminari's face went red, everyone did "wh-what?! Of course I dont! Thats disgusting bro!"  "Its bad to assume things like that kacchan! Anyway my turn! Kirishima truth or dare?" Izuku ask "dare!" "I dare you to drink apple cider vinigar everytime you say our names or nicknames" "what?!" They laugh while kirishima's grabbing the nasty drink and a glass "ok, bakubro-" "dare." "Oh..I forgot my dare.." Kirishima poured the liquid in the glass and drink it straight he cough "I dare you to compliment the person to your left!" Everyone looked at Izuku, who flinch "f##k no." "Aw come on bakubro! Just a little compliment wont kill you!" Kirishima said kaminari gave him another glass of vinigar "aw come on!" He drink it again, coughing "tsk, fine.." katsuki looked at Izuku, more like glaring he put both of his hands on his shoulders "you..have..cute freakles.." everyone froze while katsuki just sit down and said "WHAT?!" Everyone flinch "o-oh its nothing..its just..I didnt thought you'll say that!" Kirishima said "aww~ how cute~" a small blush formed on his cheeks "shut the f##k up dunce face!"  "Aw~ he thinks its cute and not annoying~ how manly bakubro~" " I'll kill yoouuuu!!" "W-wait! That was a joke! Chill dude!!" Izuku stand there blushing 'that was unexpected..' he could hear his heartbeat racing 'why am I all so flusterred? Its just a silly compliment thats all! I guesse this is how it feels like to like someone..' he thought. The game continued until they decided to sleep. Kirishima shared with kaminari on the bed after Izuku forced kirishima to sleep on his own bed and that he is fine with sleeping on the couch.

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" mom, I wanna continue my studies in America...I accept dads offer.." my mom's eyes widen "a-are you sure Izuku? You know you dont have to go if you dont want to.." I nod my head " well, do you want to tell that to katsuki?" I shake my head "please dont mom..I can see how happy he is with our classmates he fit in perfectly but for some reason they didnt accept me..maybe because of this stupid glasses! Maybe if I wasnt so stupid to save a stupid puppy in the middle of the road then maybe I can still see clearly!!" I said raising my voice a bit suddenly I felt arms around me I instantly calmed down " sorry for raising my voice like that mom.." I said she pull away smiling slightly "Izuku honey, I know its hard to live a life with blurry eyes but, your a hero Izu! And you should be proud of that! You would do anything rather than nothing! Im so proud and happy! So if you want to go to america you could go, make sure to call me everynight ok?" She said my eyes went wide, tears starts to pour down non stop, she hugged me calming me down I cant help but cry and cry...Im such a crybaby..

Izuku's pov
I woke up with tears why do I need to remmember the things I wanna forget? I miss her..I miss my mom..but, why so sudden? Why did I suddenly dreamed about her? My phone vibrated 'an unknown number?' I open it to read what the number sent me

'Hi honey! I know you'll be mad if your mom hasnt text you for a year now. Im really sorry dear!'

My eyes widen 'no, it cant be!' I replied

'Im sorry but can you please tell me your name?'

'Inko Midoriya, I can see my boy is still the same, Im glad!'

'Mom?! What happened?! I thought you were dead! I miss you so much! Please tell me what happened!'

'I know, Im sorry, Im gonna tell you everything once I go home, which is in saturday btw!'

'Your coming home this week?'

'Wish i could but no, maybe, next next week..?' (Makes sense)

'I miss you so much mom! Please have a safe trip!'

'I will! And I miss you too, but Im gonna continue my work now honey! Bye I love you!'

'I love you too!'

A smile formed on my lips 'Im gonna finnaly see her again! I should plan her arrival!' I thought "good morning Izuku!" Kirishima? Oh right I slept here "good morning kirishima!"
"Texting someone?"
"Yup! Its my mom.."
His eyes widen then he smiled brightly "she's finnaly coming home!"

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Thank you so much for reading! Also..MERRY CHRISTMAS (to those who celebrates it)AND HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE!!! I hope you guys are enjoying this book! Bye bye!


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