Bye's and hello's

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"why!" emily screams
"you have ruined my life since the day i was assigned your over looker!" she roars
"I'm sorry..." I apologized
"you should be you probably just made me loose my job why would a kid ever do this i thought you where better than that you should know this by now." Emily states.
"I' sorry I never knew that I ruined your life"
"Just shut up!"
Emily storms out and slams the door behind her. I sit there and just start to doze off into space. I snap out when I hear a door open again.
"What was that!" Professor Wilkens ask
"That slam"
"My over looker" I reply
"Fine" professor Wilkens walk tight back out. Professor Wilkens is the 'noise officer' he hears one noise from us we and we're in the blackout.

The next day🌞🌚

"Amanda?" The door creaks open and mrs.Sarah's head pokes through.
"Yes" I answer
"I've assigned a new over looker for you" mrs.sarah states
She walks out and I take in that emily is gone.
Mrs.sarah looks nice and all but nobody here is nice she is the one who decided that when we bet our lunch we get hard plastic hand cuffs in stead of metal so it doesn't wast our materials. I then start to wonder what they did with emily.

20 mins later

" Amanda?"
I turn around to find an un none face
"Umm yes"
"I'm your new over looker Kristine"
"Ok nice to meet you"
"It's lunch time come on "I walk out put my handcuffs on and wait.
"Hello..." Someone behind me whispers
"Uh.,uh..uh...hi" I whisper back
"Don't be scared I'm the girl in the room next to you"
"Ok..uh..that's ok"
"What that makes no sense my names collen by the way"
"Hello my names Amanda"
"Wait we're moving I'll talk to you later" she mumbles
"Bye" I say
Sorry this part is really short guys I hope you have a good day❤️

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