Possessive Bakugou

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(Once again this is for fun and to distract me from my overwhelming boredom. If you don't like this ship don't read this story as simple as that. May have smut/ lemon. Also will have cute fluff! If you like this ship thank you for reading!)

Todoroki's POV 

I yawn waking up to a yelling Bakugou. " Kat hushhhhhh~" His crimson eyes turn to me glaring into my soul. " Ha?!" Burying my head in his pillow I be the little kid I am when I'm around my boyfriend huffing. " Get up candy cane we got school!" I groan sitting up scratching my neck which is definitely going to have hickeys littering it. " I'm up I'm up...." Attempting to get out of the bed I just fall on my face sighing as my boyfriend starts laughing at me. " jahhdaoidf" Is all he hears because of my face on the floor. " Come on kitten get up." I huff letting him get me up and letting me go after a quick kiss so I can get ready for school. ( I don't know why I keep misspelling because when I know how to spell it.... Thank you word correct thing.) After doing my morning routine I sigh placing on the collar that Kat makes me wear. It reads and I quote " Property of Katsuki Bakugou." I don't know okay.... Walking out of his dorm room I'm greeted by a green haired boy. " Good morning Todoroki-Kun! Did you sleep well?" I nod softly walking down the corridor not worried about Kat seeing me with Midoriya. He isn't close by so... " Good morning Midoriya I did thank you. " He smiles as my face stays emotionless and he begins to drone on about All Might and heros. Even though Midoriya was my first friend here I agree with Kat on he is sometimes annoying. Though of course I don't show it. " Anyway Todoroki-kun do you have plans tonight? We all wanted to watch movies together!" I look down at him trying not to be blinded by his smile. " I'll have to ask Ka-Bakugou if it is alright. Do you mind him joining us?" Everyone knows I am dating the hot headed pomeranian by now and some do not like it. For example Midoriya. " Well.... I guess he can....." I nod entering the kitchen wanting some tea. ' Maybe Kat would like some coffee....' ( I have no idea if Bakugou drinks coffee just go with it.) I look around searching for my boyfriend and I finally spot him with Kirishima. I have no problem with him but he is way to clingy to Kat for my taste. " Excuse me Midoriya." I walk away not letting him speak as I head to my man. " Kat...." His red eyes glance at me and he attempts to get the red head off of him. " Yes candy cane?" I get a tad closer trying to put space in the two other males without them knowing. " Would you like some coffee before we head off to school?" He finally pries off Kirishima and looks at me his red eyes making my knees go weak. " I'm okay kitten." I nod turning around and heading to the kitchen to make my tea. ' Should I make mint tea, black tea, or green tea?' I groan taking out my phone and going to Kat's contact. " Kat I need help!" He takes a few to respond and I smile softly at my phone. 

" What is it candy cane?" 

" I need to figure out witch tea I want and I can't chose help!" 

I can see him roll his eyes and I hold in a laugh. 

" Tell me your options..." 

" Okay so there is mint tea, black tea, and green tea. "

" Mint tea you always smile when you drink it." 

" Okay thank you! I love you Kat." 

" I love you do kitten. " 

I smile putting my phone on the counter not bothering to turn it off. I turn to get my cup then the tea.  When I turn around I see Midoriya on my phone typing something. " Midoriya what are you doing?" He jumps hitting send on what ever he wrote and runs off making me frown. I pick up my phone reading the text he sent. 

" Bakugou I don't love you anymore I want to break up." 

I gasp my face getting hot. Anger radiates from my body as I slam my cup down making everyone jump due to my sudden outburst. " Midoriya...." I walk off and to the location the green headed bitch is at but I'm stopped by strong arms around my waist. " Kitten we need to go to school. It's fine I know it was not you." I huff letting him ruffle my hair then planting a kiss on my head. " Lets go kitten." I nod walking out of the dorms clinging onto my Kat's hand my inner little kid showing. I grumble hearing the blonde chuckle and I just keep walking upset that I didn't get to drink the rest of my tea. ' Why would he do that?' 

( Done if you are reading this trash story thank you so much<3 NO SHIP SHAMING I WILL BE ANGRY! BYEEEEEE! Wait has anyone else wondered if Awasiya ? used his quirk on Tora will we see her actual features?) 

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