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"i prefer sleeping here than at mine," i mumbled, sam underneath me. i was laid over him, my arms around his neck.
"yeah? and why's that?" he asked with a slight smile.
"i don't know. i guess everything just reminds me of you.. in a good way. i love that it's all just.. you. i love.. you," i held my breath, realising what i'd said.
"oh my god it's way too soon, i'm sorry-" i started, about to get up.
"i love you too, douchebag," he laughed, holding me close to him. i giggled and wrapped my arms around him,
"you know how i said i-i crossdress," i started, looking up at him nervously. he nodded.
"i was wondering if you'd be ok with me doing it like.. whilst you're around? at my house only, obviously, like would you be ok with it?" i tilted my head to the side.
"of course you can, silly. and besides, picturing you in a mini skirt is adorable," he chuckled, kissing my head softly. i giggled and blushed, hiding my face in his chest.
"you're so cute," he laughed, playing with my blonde hair.
"you're so handsome," i giggled, lifting my head and kissing him.

"sammy," i whimpered. it was about 2am, and he was asleep. my brain was playing tricks on me, making me see things, i'd had a nightmare and i was terrified.
"sam," i whined, tapping him.
"mhm, yeah baby?" he said groggily, opening his eyes.
"i had a bad dream and i keep seeing things in the dark and i'm scared," i mumbled, looking at him with an absolutely petrified look.
"it's ok baby, c'mere. whatever you dreamed about, it's not real, you're ok, and whatever you're seeing isn't real either. i'm here, ok? try to get some sleep, you need it," he opened his arms for me to lay in and i did gratefully, feeling his strong arms wrapped around me tightly. it made me feel safer than i ever would alone.
"you make me feel safe," i mumbled into his arm.
"good, that's what i was aiming for," he chuckled quietly, kissing my head gently.
"sammy?" i voiced quietly.
"yeah, baby?" he responded, his breath warm against my neck.
"i love you."
"i love you more."


right i had an idea for a problem in this book but i can't remember what it was can y'all comment some problems? i think it had something to do with jake either him or brennen but my mind just went blank

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