¿ 23 ?

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"gage is asleep because he had a long flight..." i trailed off, kissing sam passionately and with tongue.
"i'm listening," he giggled.
"i was thinking we could get a little freaky," i chuckled, kissing his neck.
"i'd thought you'd never ask. how far are you willing to go?" he asked, shocking me slightly.
"as far as you want, baby," i grinned, looking into his deep blue eyes. he giggled and pushed me to the bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him. i placed my hands on his waist and pushed him down onto the bed, him gasping softly.
"we're gonna have some fun tonight," i chuckled, straddling his waist before kissing him.

"i think we woke gage up," sam giggled, his head against my bare chest.
"oh well," i laughed, kissing his forehead.
"'fuck, sam!'" he mimicked in a deep voice, laughing hysterically.
"'oh, colby!'" i laughed in a high pitched voice, making him squeal with laughter.
"shh, we need to sleep, c'mon," i chuckled softly, stroking his hair softly.
"ughhh, fine," he giggled, snuggling his face into my chest before hugging me.
"i love you," i chuckled.
"i love you too," he looked up at me and pouted, letting me peck his lips softly.

i attempted to hop out of bed before sam woke up, so i could make him breakfast, but it appeared to be quite a challenge. i wriggled out of his arms slowly, but as soon as i was out, his arms wrapped back around me again. i took the pillow from underneath my head and slowly made my way out, sliding the pillow in place of me. he smiled in his sleep and held it close to him, snoring quietly.
"aww," i chuckled almost inaudibly, taking one last look at him before i left the room. i slowly closed the bedroom door, and i crept to the kitchen. i opened the cupboard and grabbed all of the things i needed, getting to work right away.

"colby?" sam mumbled, limping out of the bedroom and to the kitchen.
"you're just in time, i made you breakfast," i chuckled, him sitting down on a bar stool on the island.
"thank you," he giggled sleepily, leaning into me as i stood next to him.
"you're welcome," i smiled, kissing his head before sitting on the stool next to him. i watched as he looked at the food i passed to him, giggling.
"rainbow waffles?" he laughed confusedly.
"because we're pretty gay," i shrugged with a chuckle, him giggling. he ate them with a smile, saying they tasted nice, which was a relief.
"i'm taking gage downtown today, to some touristy spots like the statute of liberty and central park and maybe times square. are you down to come with?" i asked, resting my chin on my hand and watching him.
"yeah! let's go get ready," his face lit up and he jumped up, bouncing off to the bedroom with me behind him.
"just to confirm, this is a date, just with my brother tagging along," i laughed, following him into the room.


this ones short but the next one is gonna be pretty long.

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