Chapter 2 - Its gonna be a long day

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I'm excited to write this chapter! I came up with this idea in the middle of watching Spider-Man Homecoming, ik in the last chapter I said I would update tommorow or after Christmas but I NEED to get this idea written into a full chapter before I forget. Anyway, on with the chapter!  Btw  sorry the tense has changed I'm used to writing in past tense so that's what I'll be writing in from now on, I'm not great at writing present tense, sorry!

/Ochaco POV:\
Nothing mattered right now, I was living in a dream. Me and Izuku were in the spotlight, dancing, everyone watching us and wholesome happiness filled our hearts as we fell in love with each other again. I breathed into his neck warmly as I layed my chin on his broad, muscular shoulders. Hah, I could practically hear him blushing. How could I forget how adorable he is and how easily he gets embarassed? Atleast he's not a crybaby. Cough cough, kirishima , cough cough

:/this is what author notes will look like btw but I just wanted to say, I TOLD you this isn't canon, don't attack me for calling Kiri a crybaby, he is in this universe (I couldn't deal with more midoriya crying so yea, I changed it up a bit, ITS MY BOOK GODDAMIT)\:

We swayed contentedly, our heads resting on eachothers shoulders, just enjoying our presence. Why wish for anything more? In the blink of an eye the party music started again, startling me so much I nearly fell off the podium

:/ idk how American prom works go away \:

Deku caught me, the exact same way he caught me the first day we met, but this time, he did something that didn't happen that one day...

/Izuku POV\
This would be the perfect time to kiss her, infront of all our friends, declaring our love to everyone. I wasn't sure though, would it be special? We've kissed multiple times so I wasnt sure and I wanted it to be special but... a sudden wave of OH FUCK IT came over me and I did the deed. ( not like that you doirty boitch) I planted a kiss directly on her soft lips, ones I would forever love. She tasted like honey and sugar, I didn't think I deserved her. "God I love her with all of my heart" Was the only sentence running around my brain right then.

/Ochaco POV\
I melted into the kiss, his tender kiss completely went against his body form. He was the softest man I ever knew and all I wanted to do was tackle him to the ground and cuddle him till eternity ended. What was so endearing about him is a question that would go down in history. I didn't want to leave... but I had to...

/Izuku POV:\
"SMAAAAASHHHH" I screamed. I would NOT let her be taken. Everyone was safe from my attack due to Mr Cementoss, but the villains wouldn't be. Her muffled cries for help echoed through me as rage overtook. I tried to grab my one and only, but all I got was a crumbled hand... I really understood how precious other people were at that moment, and that nothing is here forever. *sigh* "I didn't want to have to do this... but NOONE takes MY OCHACO!" I yelled, One For All surged through me, just like I was about to surge through their faces. I punched as hard as I could, I only knocked out Shigiraki... I screamed and screamed for all of the teachers and pro heroes, surely someone would come...

:/ ok that's it for this chapter! There's gonna be quite a lot of fluff in this fanfic bc yano, we need it. I've got no reads as I'm writing this but I hope that will change soon! I hope you are enjoying this so far, I'm really enjoying writing it! Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger but... I like building tension\:

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