Three Months Later...

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Three Months Later…

The credits had barely scrolled off the screen; hardly anyone remained in the theatre. Those that did were shocked to hear the ominous tones*, indicating that ‘it wasn’t over yet.’

* All the more sinister for being in a minor key. A four chord progression of b-minor, f-minor, e-minor, and e-flat minor, although that’s likely more than you needed to know. It was ominous.

The sky grew dark, as foreboding clouds rolled across the troubled firmament. They didn’t obscure the spectacle, though. Unseen eyes stared out from behind a sinister pair of dark glasses, watching the entire scene. This was the moment they had been waiting for, as the moon crossed over the sun in perfect alignment.

Everything was dark, and still. There was not a sound, as the eyes behind the glasses watched the Ring of Fire in the sky. The music reached its crescendo*.

* Okay, so there was some sound.

The moon continued in its orbit, allowing the sun to be exposed again. The sky brightened, and the clouds dispersed. Priti took off her dark glasses, specially designed for viewing the eclipse and supplied by the hotel. Sara and Cassia took theirs off as well, and they left them on the tiki bar where they had been seated.

Priti picked up the drink she had ordered, and the three girls walked out onto the white sand. She handed the drink to Professor MuddleMire as she passed him, reclining in his lounge chair.

Priti, Sara, and Cassia put their arms around each other’s shoulders, and walked down the beach.

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