Needle !

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After this Needle is shot, she no longer will be able to use her Quirck...

     (Y/n) was lost in the moment, enjoying the happiness of the situation, she was beyond happy, she knew that being a hero is something good, but this feeling, this feeling was something new to her!, She never felt happier, people clapping and shouting encouraging words for the heros made her eyes watered a bit, but what she didn't knew that a needle bullet was amed at her!, as soon as the bullet was shooted, "OHH, NO GET DOWN!!" everything went silent and in slow motion for (Y/n) when she finally realized what is going to go through her skin, she moved away, "(Y/N) WATCH OUT-" but it was too late, the needle hit her right side of her neck, and as soon as the others noticed, people started freaking out, everyone ran for the safety of there life, except a man, one man was holding the gun while Amajiki made his way towards the (h/c) girl, holding her into his trumbbling arms like there is no tommorow, but what he didn't notice was the man slowly aiming at him, "A HERO WAS SHOOTED!" Someone shouted from the crowd. before another bullet was shooted, Red Riot ran toward the hero student to block the gun's attack, but it was too late, again, another hero was shooted, the man blond kept shooting with his pistol again and again, but thanks to the crimson haired boy's Quirk, he managed to dodge them and protect his freinds.

    " I'LL CAPTURE HIM!" these words was Kirishima's last one before he disappeared behind the armed man"

(Y/n) P.O.V:
"(Y/n)!!, (Y/N) WAKE UP".
Fuck!!, My neck hurts so much!, What happened?, Slowly, I opened my (e/c) eyes immediately meeting Amajiki's ones, "w-what happened?!" " I'm gonna explain this later, we have to capture him first", "right!" he helped me to stand up, but I immediately fell down into the ground, "WHAT THE?!! I-I CAN'T MOVE!, What is wrong with my legs?!", My lower part felt so numb and sore, my once energetic legs felt so heavy at the point where I couldn't even stand nor walk, it must be a needle that erase the Quircks. Amajiki used his right hand to help me stand up and hold me close to him, while his other hand activated his Quirk with, but nothing comes, he couldn't use his Quirk nor shape shifting his body. 'so, my theory was right!' "Sun Eater, (Y/n)! Stay together, the police will be here soon" Fat Gum ordered, "I'M FINE, BUT I CAN'T ACTIVATE MY QUIRK!", HE MUST'VE USED A QUIRK ERASER!!" "A Quirk eraser?!!" Fat Gum murmured out of breath before disappearing after his Kohei.

    "I hope everything is okay" I said breaking the weird silence, "I hope that to- wait! (Y/n)-chan!!! Y-YOUR NECK, I-IT'S BLEEDING" Tamaki quickly panicked, his forehead was wet with sweat, and his fingers started to shake "t-this?, Ohh, i-it's nothing" I was lying, the neck is such a sensitive area and it hurts as fuck, seeing him panicked like that, I didn't want worried him, plus he has his own problems, he was shooted too, "it hurts right?, I-i can see t-the pain in your eyes, and I know you for long enough to tell that your lying" "T-tamaki i-" "shht, it's okay (Y/n), they'll be here soon" I couldn't help but smile at the situation, as he just held me closer to his warm chest, i remembered all the memories when we were Young and naive, " Hey, Tamaki-kun?!" "Hmm?" "Remember that time when you came into the class and showed me your bunny tails and ears and I thought that you have a similar Quirk to mine but you said that you have Japanese rabbit meat for lunch and I was terrified then started crying?!" He let out a heart warming laugh before saying, "yeah I do" "and I was scared as hell to be honest I thought you ate my sister" i giggled and looked at him again, we exchanged glares before we heard the police's whistle, "finally!!"

   Fat Gum was running towards us along with Kirishima, poor boy he looks beaten up so bad, "Hey!!, Are you two okay?!" "He asked, "yeah, I guess we're fine, though we can't use our Quirks" "that bullet though!!"...

"A Quirk power huh... Dat kinda drug is da kind that's banned in Japan, if we look at the short effect duration, it's an inferior type from Asia. If it was from Africa, it would've lasted more than two hours" Tamaki was anxious as usual, he started to give some negative comments about himself before the redhead tried to change his mind. I sighted before saying "However, it's better if we go to the hospital for an examination" "yeah, great idea, I've also got some things u wanna look into, let's head back to the office." "Yes sir!"
At Hosu hospital:
  "WHAT?!!" YOU CALLED HER?.." "yeah, I'm sorry (Y/n) but I had to tell your gardian, your sister has the full rights to know about your injuries-" " but I'm fine!!, See I can stand.." the (h/c) girl sighted before someone slammed the door, making her flinch but she relaxed when she saw that her sister Rumi was the one who came along with the number two hero Hawks, "(Y/N)!!!, OHH MY GOD, WHAT'S WRONG?, WHO DID THIS TO YOU?, I'LL FUCKIN KILL THEM" "hi Hawks" "sup (Y/n)?" "I'M TALKING TO YOU DAMN IT!!" "I'm fine Rumi, please don't shout we're in a hospital" "HOW CAN I NOT WORRY AND I'VE JUST GOT A FUCKING CALL FROM THE HOSPITAL" sighing again she told her "I'm fine Rumi believe me, see I can walk and that's all what matters, let's just go home, I'm hungry" "who wants some chicken wings!!" Hawks suggested "Ehh?!, Isn't that-.." "don't even ask about it" Rumi warned. The three heroes made their way towards the exit. After they get inside the car her older sister started the conversation "(Y/N)..." "Hmm?" "Please be careful, okay?" Before she know it, she heard some soft nuzzles, Hawks gave Rumi a warm smile "she'll be a good hero just like you" "thanks" Rumi was a blushing mess now, before leaning towards the winged hero and gave him a kiss. Little did they know that (Y/n) was smirking in the backseat of the car...

     I wish that me and Tamaki can be a thing in the future..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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