Ch. 17 The truth revealed...

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Seto's P.O.V

I clenched my fists in anger, as that ugly sea hag dragged (y/n) into the sea, with desperate and scared look in her eyes. I have taken a breathing mask, two duel disks that are waterproof and mine and (y/n)'s deck.

I looked around and saw a boat. I had put on the breathing mask, before I got in. I took the disks and the decks with me. Mokuba saw me and decided to get in but, I placed my hands on his shoulders, preventing him.

"Mokuba, stay here. This is dangerous. You could get hurt." I said, trying to convince him to stay on land.

"But, Seto. (Y/n) is like my sister..." He started, but I interrupted him, by saying this,

"No, Mokuba. You have seen what that so-called witch can do. I don't want to lose you again." I said, letting go of him, sending him a soft smile, as he nodded. I turned on the boat's engine, and it started revving. I went towards the spot where (y/n) was dragged.

"Hang on, (y/n)! I'm on my way. Just please be okay." I thought about (y/n), and sped the boat with determined look in my eyes. No one will take my little mermaid away from me!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was struggling against Sharla who hava had my wrist in a tight grip. The more I struggled, the tighter her grip was.

"Stop it! Once we get to my cave, I'll pursue after your mommy! It's not you I'm after. You were just a pathetic pawn in my game!" She said, revealing her plan to me!

I was about to attack her, when I heard the voice I haven't heard in three days!

"SHARLA!! Let go of my daughter!" She growled, appearing in front of us in a flash. Sharla just smirked, while I stood there in shock as in how did my mother know her.

"Hello, (y/m/n)." She chuckled, "Long time, no see. How's life?" She asked in a fake friendly voice. My mother just glared at her.

"Let her go! Leave her out of this! This is just between you and me, you old hag!" She argued. Sharla just laughed while she held the contract I had signed.

"Your prescious little girl signed a contract! It said that she must agree to give up her powers in order to stay human, until today! Now, she's mine!" She said, showing the contract to my mother, who widened her eyes in pure shock. I tried to reach her, but Tenta and Fenta stopped in front of me.

"Mom! I'm sorry, I-I-I-I'm sorry. If I would have known that this would happen, I wouldn't do it, I swear!" I yelled frantically, as my mother tried to rip the contract to pieces, but the paper was too strong.

"Oooh. Why are you so persistant in destroying this contract, (y/m/n)? Oh, you don't want your daughter to make the same mistakes like you did in the past." Sharla taunted her

"What mistakes is she talking about, Mom?" I asked confused by her statement. My mother had let out a sigh, before she spoke.

"(Y/n), Sharla and I used to be best friends." She confessed, making me gasp. She continued with her story. "We were like two peas in a pod, until glory and envy , changing her into a completely different person. When, I met your father, I was young, naïve and madly in love. I was so desperate to be with him, that I had went to Sharla to do me a favor; to make a human transformation potion. She had asked me to trade in my powers, but I couldn't. Then, she threw me out of the cave, with a statement that she doesn't do this for free." She said, her head looking towards the sea floor.

"Your mother's right. Her powers had always made me feel less." She said with envy.

"But, when I got pregnant with you, I have wanted more than anything to become a human. That's when I found that legend. I was about to go to the surface, when I saw the tragedy unfold..." My mother continued her story sadly, her eyes full of sadness.

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