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The first day of a new week started on a low note with Dev being late and missing his usual train to work. He'd reached his rented place quite late the evening before, and after attending to a couple of chores and dinner, it was way beyond his normal schedule.

This morning, he felt zapped out. He was groggy and kept yawning every now and then. How he wished he could sleep some more!

The meeting with Ruhi and her family yesterday went quite well, except that they wanted an answer right away. Dev tried to buy more time but Amala took over the reins and said 'yes'. Obviously, it didn't go well with him. After all, he had agreed to meet them only to save himself from the constant pestering. Proceeding with the alliance was never on his mind.

*** Flashback ***

"What were you even thinking? Why'd you say 'yes'?" Dev shot at his mother furiously.

They were on their way home after meeting the Saxena's. Dev had rented a car for this purpose, and so, he was at the wheel driving.


"Keep your eyes on the road," she said calmly

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"Keep your eyes on the road," she said calmly.

Clenching his teeth, he pulled off from traffic, turned off the engine and turned to Amala for some serious discussion. "Can we talk now?"

"What is it?" She sighed.

"I never said 'yes' to this relationship. So why did you?"

"What's wrong in that?"

"What do you mean 'what's wrong in that'? Everything! You just forced me into a relationship without my consent. How is that okay? And you didn't even let me talk back there!"

"Tell me one thing, are you having an affair?" Amala sighed.

"What!!? Where did that come in from? Besides, that's the wrong answer!" Dev was stunned.

"Dev, just answer 'yes' or 'no'."

"Of course, 'no'!"

"Then what is your problem?"

"What do you mean 'what's my problem'? What's your problem!!? I've told you before! Marriage isn't my priority as of now. I want to stand on my feet first!"

His tone had begun to hurt her. "Which you already are," she shrugged.

"I just got in there now!"

"And I'm sure you'll be fine."


"Dev, as far as I see, this girl and her family is perfect for you. Just point out one drawback in that girl, and we'll back off this relationship immediately."

"Marriage isn't my priority. Isn't that reason good enough?"

"Not to me. Dev, she's a great girl in all ways. She's beautiful, educated, cultured and soft spoken. She's from a decent family. And she looks very good with you. What more do you need?"

"I need to feel something! A connection. I'm going to live with her for the rest of my life."

"Feelings are something that will develop over time, honey. That's how your father and I were. That's how everyone is. Besides, we don't believe in 'trying out' a person first. We're dealing with people here, not clothes where you can try and toss if you don't like it."

"So, you're telling me that I should marry a totally strange girl, and if tomorrow she turns out to be a pain in the a..." he held back his words and continued, "I should just accept my fate and keep suffering."

"No one is perfect, Dev. We are all flawed. If marriages are meant to be perfect, then, I would have sought divorce from your dad much before he died."

He lowered his eyes, leaned back onto his seat and sighed, wishing that they hadn't arrived at this point. Amala had made a lot of sacrifices in her marriage, especially when it came to Amit. Being a soldier, he was hardly around, and she battled loneliness and longing besides fighting hard to keep the family intact.

Amala reached out and caressed her son lovingly. "I would never force you into anything that's bad for you. You trust me on this, don't you?"

*** End of flashback ***


Dev tore his eyes open as a hand broke his fall. It was one of the passengers on the train.

"Brother, you had fallen asleep, you nearly fell off the train!" he rang in alarm.

"Sorry, so sorry, long day. Thanks buddy!" Dev wrung his face groggily and patted the guy's back in appreciation.

"Better stay in," he suggested, looking very concerned.

"Sure," said Dev and moved in. The shock had snapped him out of his zombie mode, at least for a little while.

As they chugged past the houses, he wondered if this train too stopped like the other to let past the express train? Maybe not, he thought bitterly. The after effects of yesterday's shocking discovery, about her being married already, still wasn't done with him. Yet, he still wished to get a glimpse of her every day. Somehow, she had become a part of his daily routine.

To his surprise, this train too slowed down and came to a halt. Funny, all the local trains give way for the express?

"Another express train coming?" Dev asked the man standing next to him.

"No, another local," replied the stranger.

"How long does it stick around?"

"Five minutes sort of."

Dev smiled. The longer the better. Am I the only one who enjoys these stops?

He craned his neck to get a glimpse of the Murgi.



He laughed at the new name he'd coined for her. That's a funny name for her and a befitting one. Anyways, I don't know her name yet, so, let's call her 'Murgi' for now.

"There she is," he muttered excitedly when he spotted her in her backyard. This time, she was busy spreading wet laundry on the line. Around her were her pet chickens, feasting on worms and other bugs.

Suddenly, he felt mischievous. He pulled out his phone, turned on the video cam and began to record her live. 


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