Chapter 19- The Letter

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Emily's POV

We were leaving to go back to London. I held Harry's hand as we stepped on the plane. We took our seats. I layed my head down on Harry's sholder and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Harry asked.

"Everything", I answered simply. Harry leaned down and kissed my head. I was thinking mostly about Josh. He's gone. Maybe it is setting in again. I haven't thought about him in awhile. I didn't want to think about it.

What if I never left him. I know he got shot but what if I was there. Would it change anything? I closed my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep because Harry was waking me up.

"Were in London", Harry said. I opened my eyes and smiled at him. I stood up and we walked off of the plane. Fans were screeming. The boys didn't stop, we just went to the van. I felt bad for the fans, they wanted to see the boys.

I walked into Harry's flat. The other boys went to their flat and Harry and I came to ours.

"I'll get the mail", I said. Harry nodded and walked inside. I walked to the mailbox. Bill, bill, coupon, a letter. The letter was tore up and it looked like it got lost in deleverly. On the front it had my name writen in my moms handwriting. Without waiting I sat down and opened the letter. I was sitting in the driveway. I opened the letter and started reading.

Dear Emily,

I know we haven't talked in awhile and I am sorry. I really miss you. I hope you are happy. I am sorry I never spent much time with you or Josh. Now I can't. I wanted to tell you this in person but couldn't quite do it. I told you Josh got shot. The truth is he shot himself. He comitited suicide. I was to devistated to tell you the truth. He loved you so much. Don't think it is your falt. We don't know what was happening to him and we can't blame ourselfs. I'm sorry.



I was crying now. I don't know how old this is.

Why would she say we can't blame ourselfs? It was my fault. I said I didn't want to see him. Yeah, I bet that helped. I should of never left him. I should of tried to help him.

I layed down on the ground and cried. I felt a sprinkle hit my arm. Then more. Then it was poring rain.

I probably have been crying for 10 minutes. I heard the flat door shut and someone running over to me. The person picked me up and held me in their arms.

"Lets go inside", Harry wispered.

"N-No, I-I wanna s-stay out h-here", I choked out between sobs. Harry picked me up and carried me towards the house. I sobbed into his chest. He squeesed me tight.

Harry layed me down on the bed and pulled the covers up over me. I snugled into my bed and closed my eyes. I was really tired and I don't know why.


I opened my eyes o the sun shining through my window. Sunny day in London. I need to be happy, just forget everything. I got out of my bed and turned on the shower. My hair was greasy. How long did I sleep? It was 10am now. I think it was like 11am when we got back to London.

I took off my clothes and stepped in the warm shower. I stood there letting myself relax. I washed my hair and body then turned the water off. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towl around my body. I walked back out to my room and say Harry laying on my bed. I just stood there.

"You finally woke up", He said.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"Since 11:30am yesterday", he said. I sniffled. My nose was runny and I didn't feel amazing.

"I bet you have a cold", Harry said sympathetically. I just shrugged my sholders.

"I'll leave so you can get dressed", Harry said and walked out of the room. I dropped my towl and got dressed. I put on white high wasted jean shorts and a purple op that I tucked into my shorts. I walked down stairs.

"I made you soup", Harry said when I walked into the kitchen. I smiled and sat down at the counter.

"I love you", I told him.

"I love you too", he smiled. He walked up to me and kissed my temple. Then he walked to the living room. I took a bite of my hot soup.

Once I was done with my soup I walked into the living room and sat down next to Harry. He smiled at me and put his phone down.

"Wanna do something today?" He asked me.

"Like what?" I asked back. I snugled up against him and he wrapped an arm around me.

"We need grosheries", He said. I laughed a little.

"Okay", I smiled. We got up and walked out of the door. I got in the passanger side of Harry's black range rover.

We drove to Tesco's. I grabbed a trolly and headed to an isle. Harry went the other way. I grabbed some snacks. Then I walked to the fruit area. I got grapes, strawberries, bananas, and blueberries. Then I got some yogurt. Harry ran up to me with his hands full. It looked like he was going to drop it all. He dumped it in the trolley.

"I'm ready", he said. I laughed at him. Harry pushed the trolley up to the checkout. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my sholder. I smiled and pushed the cart behind the person in line. Harry kissed under my ear.

"I love you", Harry wispered in my ear. I turned around so I was facing him.

"I love you", I said and pecked him on the lips. I went up to the front of the trolley and started unloading it. Harry came over and helped me.

Once we payed Harry and I put the grosheries in the car.

While we were driving home Harry was holding my hand. I always wonder if I am dreaming, it's just all to perfect.


Is this short? I can't tell. Okay so I tried to use more british words since she is in London. But I am American so its hard. I used trolley instead of cart and crisps intead of chips. So please please please vote, comment, and fan.

I find it kinda weird how Harry has that deep voice but hits those high notes, like in Gotta Be You when he is like "YOOOOOUUUUUUUUU". Maybe it is just me :)

xx Bailey

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