Character Sheet

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Here is the character sheet you need to fill out if you would like to enter. I tried to keep it as short as possible. I've also added some helpful info under some items to (hopefully) make sure there's no confusion and give some help!



Just as a personal thing, I (Sybil) would prefer if characters aren't directly related to an existing Aphmau character, but I won't reject your character if you choose to do so.




Things like meif'wa, werewolf, human, elf, etc. here. Heck, even wyverns! I do consider Shadow Knights a race for simplicity's sake. Also, I WILL BE INCLUDING OTHER FICTIONAL RACES IN THIS FANFICTION! That means cool things like fauns, centaurs, pixies, pegasi, and other creatures!

Place of Origin:

Where did they come from? I could be where they were born, or some other place your character considers home. You could choose an existing place or make one up! The ones that are made up may be featured in the fanfiction (just a heads-up ;) )


Basic Appearance:

(Hair colour, eye colour, height, skin colour, clothing, etc.)

Magicks (optional):

Weapon (optional):

Summary of Personality:

What about your character's personality makes them unique? What do they like or not like that defines them? What makes them tick? What are their goals?

Summary of Background:

Try to highlight the things you think are the most important, please! What happened to them as a child that influenced their personality now? Why did they choose the side they're on (if they choose a side)? Why do they have the goals they do?


Are they a hero or a villain? Or are they neutral?

Love Interest (optional):

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT GUARANTEED TO BE FULFILLED. Sorry dear reader, but if the relationship doesn't work for the story, I won't add it. I may hint at it, but depending on the situation and the characters, some just won't work. If you want to try and make sure your character gets a sweetheart, I would suggest picking lesser-known characters and feel free to add two or three possibilities :)

Extra Information:

Anything else you'd like to add? Do it here!


Keep in mind a lot of the info I've added are just suggestions. This is your character, have fun! 

Remember to use #atcrcontest !


Aphmau Fanfic CHARACTER CONTESTWhere stories live. Discover now