Dare #4

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Me: Alrighty! We have another dare to do today!

Tay Tay: And this only involves Phil, so everybody else gotta go and get out!

Everybody: *mumbles profanities but gets out anyways*

Phil: Ok, so what's the dare?

Me: NeonColors15634 dared me to turn you into a girl and we have to see how everyone reacts.

Tay Tay: Ok, Phil, takes these clothes and stand over there! *gives him girly clothes*

Tay Tay: Ok, Phil, takes these clothes and stand over there! *gives him girly clothes*

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Phil: Ok, now what?

Me: Now I turn you into a girl!


Phil: *blushy and covers self because of shyness*

Me: Now you're called Phili~!

Phili: O-ok, I'm still getting used to this body, so it'll take a while.

Tay Tay: Ok, everybody, come back in!

Everyone: *comes back in and sees Phili*

(Also, Phili's eye was supposed to be blue but it looks black here cause i used a blue pen instead of a colored pencil

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(Also, Phili's eye was supposed to be blue but it looks black here cause i used a blue pen instead of a colored pencil. Next to Phili are the people's reactions.)

*Someone breaks in through the window and of course it's the KKK (not the racist one, the one that fought against the Spanish Empire)*

KKK: I smell a disturbance.

Phili: Itay! I missed you!

KKK: I missed you too, my little anak! *smiles and hugs Phili* Where are your brothers? And why are you a girl?

Phil: It's a dare, Itay. And hold on, I'll go get them.

*Meanwhile, Perlas opens the door and walks in to scold Kati about the window while Phili gets Marti and Del*

Phili: Kuya Marti, Kuya Del! Our parents came to visit us!

Tay Tay: Wait, parents?!

Me: Yeah, I asked them to come and be our guests on the show.

Ame: *grabs my shoulders* Are you hearing yourself talk?! That man is going to kill us, especially me!

Me: Ame, he's not going to kill us, he's just an overprotective dad, that's all.

Ame: He'll kill me before he'll kill anyone else. Especially after what I did to Phili in the past!

Me: No, he'd kill Spain first, then you, then Japan. You forgot about the bad blood with him and the Spanish Empire?

Tay Tay: Ame, what she's trying to say is no one's going to hurt anyone, we told them beforehand that it wasn't acceptable.

Ame: *sighs in relief* Thank the Lord.

*Phili, Martial, and Del come in with Kati & Perlas*

Phili: Everyone, this is Kati, and this is Perlas, my mother and father. Be nice to them, ok?

Everyone: Ok!

Russia: Mr. Kati, it's nice seeing you, again! *smiles*

Kati: Russia! My boy! *smiles and hugs Russia* How's Soviet and your siblings?

Russia: They're doing pretty well, thanks for asking!

Kati: One of these days, I'll visit your father. I heard that he misses me and hopes to talk with me again soon.

*While Kati talks to the sunshine and Martial harem, Perlas talks to Phili, Marti, & Del*

Perlas: So, Phili and Marti, I heard all about your harem! Tell me who you're going to choose and who will satisfy you in bed!

Marti & Phili: Mama! *blushes a crimson red*

Ok, that's all for now, until next time, guys!

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