You scream for ice creamI scream for help
There is no help for the forgotten
Everything will get better
Life will go on
What if this isn't the life for me?
I'm a ghost walking down this corridor
Always scared so I turn my head over my shoulder
You laugh and joke at my misery
Does it look like I'm laughing?
Scared of getting eaten alive
I'm not the right meal
I'm too over cooked
Just stop wasting your time
I'm a fallen angel
That's what they like to call them
We're not alone in this world
So why do I feel so empty?
Calls me ungrateful
I'm not used to attention
I refuse to lie to your face
You don't like the truth
Do you want me to throw in some jazz hands to kill the blow?
I might not be the perfect soul
But I'm the one you kept
Sometimes I dream of escape
It's the only thing that keeps me sane
I may not like the darkness
But I sure love the pain
It's like the best friend in my life
I have other friend, but nothing greater then pain
It consumes my every thought
Please stay for the grad finale
It's a grand show
Why keep this destined disaster around
When I can set sail in sea of misery
I make broken hearts
I don't fix them
So many time I could have been given up on
Yet I'm still given faith
I don't need hope
It just ends in tragedy
I need help
You don't believe me
Just read this
It's like a cry for help
But I shed no tears
I'm all dried out
Then again I don't cry tears
But blood
I have to may open wounds there is no meaning to my life
I'm a lone shell
I'd rather be alone
Then surrounded by people
I'm a lone soul
In a crowed room
You sit by me
I'll warn you, I might burn you
I'm soundless soul
Drifting in the wind
I'm settling in the broken path
Stepping on shards of shattered glass
Not feeling any pain
It's not a curse, it's a blessing
I love the feeling of pain
I welcome it with open arms
Never turn it away
I dictate my pain
It runs my life
I've lost the fight
I'm a fallen soldier
PoetryPoems and short stories that I have/will create over time. Most of the short stories I have worked on for a long time and they have been through a long thought process and the poems- mostly the new ones published are like mostly just like written wi...