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My angel died. 

Sirens wailed. Red and blue lights took turns flashing across the ground. They illuminated the blood. Gun shot's still echoed in my head, forever. People worked around me, voice's were a dull roar, life seemed to move on. But I couldn't. I stood there, still staring, shocked, but mostly not wanting to believe what just happened in front of my eyes. November air creeped into my single cotton t-shirt, chilling me and burning the back of my throat everytime I breathed. A warm hand grasped my arm, gently tugging me to follow them. A friendly female voice asked me what happened, and who the boy's were that died tonight. She was wearing a uniform of some type when I finally looked up at her, she had sympathetic grey eyes and I suddenly felt the need to tell her. Everything. But where would I start?

I never did tell her that night, she didn't seem to mind. She had handed me a card.

"Evelina Dansworth" an address and number beneath. She told me I could call or write to her anytime. Then she let me go home to my parents. I saw them for the first time in two years. My mother had changed and my father decided to become a father. They tried to act as if everything was normal, but that card greeted me every morning and every night. And the story stayed on the tip of my tounge. I guess I could have called or emailed her, but writing a letter made it seem more important, more real. So I began,

Dear Evelina...

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