Chapter 50: Daegen and Doms past

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-Daegen p.o.v-

I stood there with my 4 other siblings as we had our heads bowed to our father in his throne

he had a black coat with a large hood, some call him death, or even satan, because he ruled hell

"Tell me now, if there was anything, why would my youngest daughter and eldest son be rebelling so outragously?"

he said chuckling with his wife next to him, he gets a different wife every century or so, with diffrrent children

they could be called my siblings but the difference is that they arent demons, they must have permission from my father

sort of like unlocking their demon powers inside of them, but his wife was quiet and had a straight face

"Father, if i must, may i say that its because of Kate Kurosaki and Ichigo, they are very powerful, and Kate refuses to hand them over, she doesnt look like she uses Vals power but she uses Doms, which we observed"

i heard Mimi and my father gave a hmm

"Well, i guess i have no other option at this point"

he said as he stood up and pointed to Bernard with his silver hair and black highlights

"Bernard, i think you, Mimi, and Daegen shall be the ones to do this mission ok?"

he said spitefully and we 3 nodded our heads and he gave a grin

"I want you 3, to go bring Kate here, on the day of her labour with her 3rd child, but one of you is to put this parasitic insect in her and it will track the state of her body and see if she will be in labour or not"

he said showing a small bug as he gave it to Bernard

"We will do as you ask father"

bernard said and then my father came to me and scoffed

"You should have gotten her the moment you got to her"

he said and mimi cleared her throat as my father looked at her

"Why would you want to bring her here when she gives birth?"

she asked and he gave a grin

"Because of course thats when she is the weakest and thats when shes the weakest, thats always it"

he said and i gave a frown blowing the hair out of my face

"Now go you 3"

he said and we started to walk out of the palace and he dismissed our other siblings

Dom, Why did you rebel? Im suffering because of it.

i walked outside to the yells of tortured souls that have lost their lives and crying out from the distance

instead of water we had lava, it was in our fountains and such, and our castle or palace i call was what you could see from as far as you could see

i walked out and sighed as i looked at some dark angels leaning on buildings as i walked by

"look guys its snow head, so, failed your dad again short stuff?"

the one said with black hair and dark eyes, if you were a demon you had red eyes

"Im not short, and maybe you should learn your place huh?"

i said and the other two which there were 3 of these guys, they had brown hair dark eyes

"Us?! Maybe if you werent so weak, your precious little sister wouldnt have rebelled eh, or left?!"

they said and i glared at them as i walked by

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