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𝕐/𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤.

"Are you okay, L/n?" someone muttered from behind, y/n looked at the unfamiliar voice at the heels of her. She noticed it was a boy. A quite tall looking boy, about in his 7th year at Hogwarts. It was none other than the head boy, Claude Wolfclaw. Y/n had taken notice to the boy in her first week on the mission. She did also notice how attractive the boy was. To his chiseled jawline, down to his slim legs. She realized how long she had been staring when she had been knocked out of her trance. The boy re-asked his question, "L/n? You good?" he asked, y/n slowly nodded, "I'm fine, just been thinking..." she looked up at him and looked away quickly. He stepped closer to her. She took a sharp breath, "you okay, L/n?" he asked, y/n nodded quickly. Wolfclaw nodded, "couldn't help but notice riddle and rest of his Boy Scouts were bothering you in the corridor earlier" y/n scoffed and looked back at the fire,"I would hardly call them boy scouts, more of a girl scout if I were to say," she joked.

WolfClaw laughed, "I'd say L/n, you really are intriguing" y/n rose an eyebrow, "Is that your way of saying you like me, WolfClaw?" She smirked. WolfClaw smirked, "Is that a bad thing?" He asked, "depends on what your intentions are," she replied. WolfClaw walked closer to her, y/n stepped backward, speaking she knew where this was going. But she had only just met the kid, she knew nothing about him. She looked at him and took a deep breath, "it is getting rather late, we should really head to bed, wouldn't want to displease the prefects now, would we?" She smiled, she took off to the girl's dormitories, leaving the head boy flustered and in a state of thought.


"Y/n wake up! You're going to be late for potions!" A soft voice said y/n awoke to her friend, Jessica Finch, waking her up. Y/n rose from her bed and hopped around the room putting on her robe. Leaving Jessica in a fit of laughter, y/n looked at her, "what's the deal, Finch?" She asked, "I woke you up an hour early so you weren't late," she laughed, falling onto her bed.


Y/n threw a pillow at her and fell back onto her bed and laughed, "damnit Jessie!" She laughed. Jessica sat up on her bed, "but for real, you might want to go prepared, we have potions with the slytherfucks today" she said, y/n laughed at the sudden nickname, "I bet Riddle and his girl scouts would not be happy about that name" y/n laughed sitting up, "girl scouts? Girl! Riddle is totally going to hex you by the end of this week!" She laughed, y/n shrugged, "may my legacy be known."

Y/n and Jessica had walked into the potions room and sat next to each other as there had not yet been assigned seats. Y/n stirred her potion and looked at her, "how's it going?" She asked, "not so good, its green" Jessica replied, y/n looked at the potion to see it bubbling, "Jessica! Get down!" Y/n yelled, pulling Jessica down underneath the table. After she had pulled her under the table, a huge noise was heard throughout the classroom and green liquid oozed off the size of the table.

Y/n pulled Jessica up from underneath the table, everyone in the classroom turned to look at them, a hand was harshly placed on y/n's shoulder spinning her around to an angered Tom Riddle. Only he had green goo and black ash on his face. Y/n went to laugh but quickly tried to cover it up. She giggled, "you got a little, something there, Riddle," she said, cause the class to make a little giggle.

Jessica let out a giggle but Riddle looked at her and it instantly shut her up. Riddle drew his attention back to you, "what were you thinking?" He growled, she tried to hold back her laugh, but failed to control it, "it wasn't even my potion, it was Jessica's" y/n admitted. Riddle looked at Jessica and back to her, "I should have known, mudbloods don't do well with potions, speaking why they don't belong here," he responded. Jessica looked down at the name, ashamed of it. Y/n glared at him and hit him on the side of the head, "that Mudblood is my best friend, believe it or not" she scowled, Riddle shook his head, "shame, we could have been friends" he stepped closer, his minty breathe was felt on her cheek, "we could have done a lot of things together" he stepped back, "class is over, until next time, L/n" Riddle and the rest of his girl scouts walked out of the room. Leaving y/n and Jessica to clean up the green goo.


Tom had no clue what he was feeling towards the y/h girl. He didn't know the feeling. He didn't think he could have felt it. Whenever he was around her, it would intrigue him. The way she smelled, looked, talked, smiled, don't get him started on her smile, words couldn't describe how beautiful it was. Tom sat in DADA with his head in his hand, staring off into space. He was brought out of his thoughts by the professor asking him a question, "im sorry, what was that professor?" he asked with that charming smile all the girls gushed over, "I suspect you will stop drooling over whatever you are slobbering about and get out of my class, the period is over, Mister Riddle" professor Slughorn said, Tom was too busy fantasizing about all the things he could do to the y/h girl to notice the time. Is this what lust felt like?


Unlike tom, y/n had noticed the time and rushed straight out of the room after being dismissed. Y/n heard all of the harsh remarks some of the y/n quidditch players were making about Tom, "can you believe he spoke to L/n like that?" one said, "right, he thought they would be friends," one scoffed, "Riddle doesn't even know what love is," one laughed.

Y/n heard the steps of someone behind her, "eavesdropping L/n?" Y/n got started by the voice, instantly turning around to come face to face with the head boy of Slytherin. Y/n scoffed, "as if Riddle, if I was eavesdropping it certainly would not be on my own house" Tom rose an eyebrow, "so, you will most likely eavesdrop on different houses?" He asked y/n put a hand on her head, "you don't understand what I'm saying, Riddle," she said. Tom nodded, "well, I'll leave you to your little eavesdropping session" he spun on his foot and started to walk away.

Y/n scoffed, "why is it that you happen to turn up everywhere I'm at, Riddle?" She asked, Tom turned back around, this time walking towards y/n. She slowly back up, hitting the wall behind her, going to make an escape but Tom had used his arms to enclose her to make sure that there was 𝚗𝚘 𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚎. He slowly leaned down towards her, "you intrigue me" he replied, as if she hadn't heard that before from a certain Hufflepuff boy. Y/n put her hands on his chest, "slow down there Riddle, is this your way of saying you've actually fallen for me?" she smirked, Tom shrugged and smirked, "you have no proof" he replied, y/n grabbed him by his tie and pulled his closer, "i have enough proof" she smirked. You heard a cough from behind Tom. Tom instantly pushed his arms off the wall and turned around, the seeker of the Hufflepuff quidditch team stood there,  "oh u-uh hey L/n" he said, "hey WolfClaw!" she pushed Tom aside, "sorry to interrupt" he motioned toward Tom. Y/n laughed, "its not like that were hardly friends, he was just asking a question about herbology, than i told him that he should already know and he got mad and threatened to hex me" she smiled.

WolfClaw seemed to have bought it seeing as he showed a little bit of a smile, "alright, i hope he wasnt that much of a bother" WolfClaw said, y/n nodded and looked at Tom with a smirk, "oh dont worry, he wasnt"

ℐ𝓂 ℳ𝓎 𝒪𝓌𝓃 𝒲ℴ𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝒩𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇ℯ/Tom riddle X readerWhere stories live. Discover now