Rude Awakening

50 3 6

  Warning: Cursing, abuse, and angst

Your head snapped up as fast as a bullet. When your mother called your name, you knew that if you didn't want to get hit with a belt, you had to listen.
     You groggily replied, "Good morning."
     She looked at you with malice and snapped, "Get up, whore." She threatened to slap you, then left you to change out of your torn up pajamas. Your hair was very frizzy, so you made a mental note to put some hair products in it later (You never did). Your leg ached from last night; she had kicked you with her steel-toed boots on. You limped over to your closet and fumbled with the doors. Your options were slim: a mint green dress with black leggings or a plaid shirt with jeans. You chose the one you felt most comfortable in and threw on your riding boots. You winced as you quickly examined your wound. The bruise, surrounded by your s/c skin, looked inflamed and ugly. You closed your eyes and sighed, then straightened up your outfit. You took a deep breath, grabbed your school supplies, and mentally steeped yourself to face your mother's wrath.

(A.N: What's up my dudes? I'm your beloved author, Nolan. This is my first ever published story, so constructive criticism is very much wanted. Two questions: should I make the chapters longer? Also, should I keep the POV in second person? Thanks! Have a great day/ night!)

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