Early Arrival

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Emily know knelt beside Nikki just placing a larger towel over her legs to keep her looking presentable. Jack slowly sits next to Nikki on the bathroom floor and looks down at the tiny baby on Nikki's bare chest and smiles. "I'm so proud of you both" he smiles and strokes his new born daughters head.

"She's pretty" Emily smiles happily as she admires her baby sister.
"Just like her Mum and sister" Jack replies happily and looks down at his phone to see an ETA on the ambulance from Clarissa which says three minutes.

Nikki smiles tiredly at Jack and looks down at her tiny daughter, "you know she doesn't look like an Ava..." she smirks and moves the new born on her chest which causes her to cry weakly.

"Try not to move her too much Nik, Emily will you go and let the paramedics in" Jack smiles at Emily who is starring at her baby sister.
"Emily?" He smirks.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going" she says and stands up before leaving the bathroom and heading downstairs.

Nikki shifts slight and winces, "are you all right?" He asks and looks under the towel to check for bleeding.
"After birth hasn't come" Nikki groans and throws her head back. Jack stands up quickly and looks around before grabbing a wash bowl from the side. "No Jack, not that... that's my Mum's" she cries.

Jack ignores her and collects the afterbirth from the floor and tidies her up, "it's okay Nik" Jack smiles and leans over and kisses her forehead.

"Jack! Ambulance is here!" Emily calls up and he hears two unfamiliar voices head up the stairs.

"Hello you must be Nikki, I'm Clive and this is Lisa... so how early is baby?" Clive asks Jack as Lisa sees to Nikki and the baby.

"She's seven weeks early... my step daughter said she cried when she was born and has cried since my wife moved her" Jack explains and strokes Nikki's knee.

Clive nods and bags the afterbirth. "Okay so we shall take baby in just because she's fairly early, and will probably need some help with feeding and stuff."

Jack nods and looks at Emily who is stood in the doorway with more colour in her face now. "Could you go and pack a few things for your Mum Em... just something comfortable for her to wear and will you grab her house jacket too" Jack smiles and Emily nods and heads out the way to get her stuff together.

He sits on the side of the bath watching the paramedics perform observations on the newborn and he smiles when Lisa the female paramedic places the stethoscope against her chest and she lets out a cry and kicks out. "Somebody has a great set of lungs on her, I don't think she will need any lung support but we shall see what the neonatal team says, but I shall call this in and request Royal London, best neonatal team in the area" Clive replies and calls it in on his radio.

As soon as they get the go ahead the female paramedic wraps the baby up in a few more blankets to keep her warm, they then stand Nikki up and helps her downstairs wrapped in a blanket also, they sit her down in a wheelchair and they take her outside to the ambulance with the baby.

Jack walks down the stairs and grabs a few things and the bag off Emily. "Will she be okay?" Emily asks timidly and gets tearful.

Jack stops and turns around and hugs Emily. "Don't cry, she's in the best hands and your Mum is tough as house bricks. I'm going to call Harry... I mean your Dad to come and get you just while Nikki is in hospital" Jack smiles and Emily nods and sits down on the sofa allowing Jack to leave with Nikki.

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